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 Ferya walked out of the kitchen carrying a tray of cookies to see her supposed shop protectors, wrestling and play fighting through the nearly empty store. She counted herself lucky that they were only playing, seeing the tables being knocked over with metal screeches, the smoke and dark magic flashing through the air as each demon grappled into dominance only to find themselves defended against and subdued a moment later.

The sheer ferocity of the match caused her to go still, though a glance at the other patrons told her that no one else seemed concerned. They merely moved out of the way and shot curious glances in the direction of the demons but otherwise continued with their conversations or tasks once they were certain that their coffees weren't going to be spilled. Ferya was even starting to relax, a small smile coming to her features as the laughter of the two rough-housers infected her with good humour, until the whirling mass of power and aggression hit the exterior window hard enough to shake the building, sending a dull, twanging thud through the air that caused her to flinch.

"You're going to break the glass!" Ferya cringed as Baltha was slammed into the glass next by Urdu, causing another deep vibration to peel through the air.

The two of them stopped at her yell, turning to look at her, panting, but grinning infectiously. "This is Demon Proof class. No Demon in any of the realms could break through this, no matter how hard they were trying." Baltha grinned to her, reaching out to knock on the glass as Urdu casually brushed invisible dust off her shoulder.

They still hadn't explained why the two of them were there tonight, as Urdu had been working through the day and was supposed to leave when Baltha arrived. The girls had seemed a bit odd when she came in to relieve them but hadn't told her anything strange had happened. Ferya wasn't sure if she should have openly asked someone, since Urdu didn't leave when Baltha arrived and her human help had bolted the moment they were able to. She didn't even know if Demons needed to sleep and wasn't sure how to ask as the night wore on with surprisingly few customers.

Ferya frowned at that, before turning to start putting the new tray of cookies out. "All right."

"You don't believe us?" Urdu smiled at her, before moving to approach the counter. "Baltha is serious, out or in, that glass wouldn't shatter under the strongest attack from a demon."

"I know that demons are relatively high in the whole scheme of things. And they're a lot stronger than I am." Ferya murmured softly, glancing up from her task to take in Urdu's lighthearted expression, relieved that she was more of an amusement than an insult. "But I don't really know how to qualify how strong you're telling me that glass is."

Baltha chuckled, somehow getting close enough to her to grab a cookie before she could react, giving her one of his toothy grins. "Angels or Lucifer, then demons or things like minotaurs, then everything else falls in below. Tuath Dé, they can get as powerful as a mid-level demon, depending on how much power they're born with and how old they get."

Which still didn't tell her how powerful a demon was, technically, she didn't really understand how powerful anything else was.

Ferya stared at them for a long moment, before offering a shrug. "So... could you punch through a wall?"

There was a choking sound, as Baltha seemed to have swallowed the wrong part of his cookie, looking at her in a bewildered fashion. She would have been worried if she hadn't already learned that demons didn't really need to breathe but he didn't seem capable of answering her question.

So she glanced to Urdu curiously.

The woman gave her a lopsided grin. "Baltha is Lucifer's enforcer, he could give an Angel a run for its money. And I'm his equal. I can uproot a several hundred-year-old redwood with my pinky."

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by Jaci Calemonte
Ferya, a human baker in post-apocalyptic Earth, is pulled into a game...
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