Group dance

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"The reason you all are in groups is because friday through next wednesday you will be coming up with a group dance, I have styles in this hat, and you will pick which one" Mrs. Hanna explains.

I look over at Makayla wide eyed.

She shrugs and turns her attention back to Mrs. Hanna. 

Mrs. Hanna starts going around to the groups and they pull out a slip of paper. 

She eventually comes to my group and I pick. 


I smile. 

Jazz was one of my strongest styles. 

Turns were always my strong suit. 

And not only that, I could pick an upbeat song, which means the guys could have fun with it. 

But I don't care if they have fun with it. 

When all the groups have chosen Mrs. Hanna takes the floor again. 

"You will also get to decide on costumes! Just...Have fun with it!" She smiles. 

"Pick a studio and start figuring it out!" Mrs. Hanna says. 

"We call studio A!" I yell. 

They all sigh and file out of the studio. 

I look up at the veiwing room to see Ryder pointing to his phone. 

I walk out to the changing room and pick my phone up, Walking back into the studio.

He sent me a link to a song. 

I roll my eyes seeing what song it was. 

It was our favorite song to sing along to in the car. 

"Okay, So we got a jazz dance" I explain. 

"Isn't that the style with all the turns?" A boy named Henery asks. 

"Yeah, but with the song I'm thinking of, I feel like we can do a lot of different stuff besides turns, and some partner work" I suggest. 

They nod. 

"Okay, let me get my notebook and start putting down some ideas!" 


I was sitting in my room with Darren, figuring out the counts and moves for the dance. 

"You should do one of those flippy things!" Darren states. 

"Which one?" 

"The one names after that disney princess!" Darren responds. 

"An Aerial?" I ask. 


"I mean, I could do one, but the boys probably can't" I laugh. 

"I can!" Darren says getting up. 

He does a cartwheel and I clap "Amazing!" 

"I know!" He laughs. 

My phone dings and I pick it up. 

It's a text fron an Un-Known number. 

Hey! Wanna go costume shopping this weekend?

I furrow my eyebrows and respond. 

Who is this?

I get a response almost right away. 




Will: Oh come on! Pleaaase!

Why do you want to go with me?

Will: Well...Since we were late to the studio today...I thought I could make it up to you :)

This was weird. William Sanders was being nice to me. 

Are you planning on killing me?

Will: Whaaat? Me? Never!

My answer is no 

Will: Why?

I don't trust you.

Will: Booo! U suck!

Goodbye William

Will: TaTa for now!


Will: What? Isn't that how dancers talk?

You have a lot to learn young grasshopper

Will: You could teach me if you go shopping with me this weekend!


Will: Ugh...Ur mean.

I set my phone down and notice I have a goofy smile on my face. 

I shake my head and set to work on the dance. 

"Darren! Time for bed!" My dad calls. 

"I don't want to!" Darren whines. 

"Darren" My dad sighs, appearing in the doorway. 

"I'm helping Sissy with her dance" Darren says. 

"Dance?" My dad asks, coming inside sitting next to me. 

"Yeah. We all have to choreograph a dance for the members of our group" I explain. 

"Ooo! Fun!" My dad smiles. 

"Mrs. Hanna is crazy" I state. 

"Why?" Dad asks. 

"We have two weeks until the competition, And half the dances aren't perfect yet" I state. 

"It'll be fine" Dad says "I promise" 

"Sure" I roll my eyes. 

He kisses my forehead and gets up "Come on Darren" 

Darren pouts but starts laughing when my dad throws him over his shoulder. 

"Night girlie" 


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