Not so bad pt.2

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I hear the doorbell ring from my room but ignore it, changing into a hoodie and legginings. 

"Ava!" My dad yells. 

I roll my eyes and make my way downstairs. 

When I saw who was at the door I frown. 

"What?" I ask. 

"We said we were going costume shopping" Will says. 


"Oh! You can go to your aunts shop and just rent them!" My dad says. 

"That is a great idea!" Will smiles. 

I roll my eyes. 

My dad hands me a twenty and I shove my phone in my pocket. 

"Meet us at the hospital afterwords, We are going to-" 

"Dad! Shall we not!" I snap. 

"Oh...yeah...Sorry" He frowns "You two have fun!"

"Whatever" I sigh. 

I pull on my uggs and walk outside. 

"So you don't understand the meaning of no?" I ask, pulling my hood up. 

"Not really" Will shakes his head. 

"You're stupid" I sigh. 

"Am not!" He says, going around to the drivers side of his car and climbing in. 

I climb into the passengers seat. 

"I hate this" I huff. 


"Because we are supposed to be enemys!" I laugh "We always have been and now I'm sitting in your car, and we are going costume shopping" 

He chuckles "Yeah" 

I shake my head as we leave my drive-way. 

"If you don't mind me asking, Why do you have to go to the hospital after this?" He asks.

"To visit my mom" I explain. 

The car falls silent. 

"Oh" He states. 

I could always tell Will wasn't good with feelings. 

Believe it or not, he's never had a girlfriend. 

Him and Nichole weren't even dating. 

They were just....Really good friends.


"We have something in commen" Will spoke. 

"Like what?" I ask. 

"We have family memebers in the hospital" He says "my little sister is there for Cancer" 

"My mom's there for cancer too..." I sigh. 


The rest of the car ride was silent. 

We pulled into the parking lot of my aunts dance store and park. 

We get out of the car and make our way inside. 

"Be prepared for my aunt, she's a little... Intense" I laugh. 

We walk to the counter and are met with pictures... Alot of them. 

She had a wall full of dancers who have won titles with dances her costumes were desplayed in. 

I had a few pictures up there. 

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