Chapter 36:

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I wake up feeling sick. I quickly get up out of my bed and rush to the bathroom. As soon as I get in front of the toilet I hover over it and throw up.

After I was finished I sat down and leaned my back against a wall. I wiped off my mouth and I closed my eyes. I hate being sick.

I flushed the toilet and got ready for the day. Once I finished getting ready I no longer felt sick. I ate a pickle for breakfast not wanting to eat a lot because I was going to eat at the Curtis house.

I walked to the Curtis house and let myself in. When I walked in all the guys waved and said hi. I sat by Dally on the couch and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

Two was walking in from the kitchen with beers in his hand when he stumbled on his feet and spilt it all over his shirt and the carpet "ugh, that's the worse" he says looking down at his drenched Mickey Mouse shirt, "you know whats the worst?" I ask trying not to laugh, "what?" Two responds taking a kleenex and wiping off his shirt.

"Being called a liar when you're telling the truth" I say with a sly smirk on my face. 

Two stopped wiping his shirt and looked up at me regret filled in his face "We're all really sorry about that Gracie" he says, "woah woah, calm down, I was messing with you" I say getting up and helping him wipe off the beer.

"You're going to smell like booze now" I saw punching him lightly in the shoulder "I'm used to it" he says taking the beer he had left and sitting on the couch taking a big swig of it. 


Two days have passed, and I was hungry all the time, I was getting weird cravings, and I was getting sick every morning. I was really worried. What if something was really wrong with me. What if I was...

"Gracie?" I hear. I look up to see all the guys heading into the Curtis's kitchen to get their dinner. Darry was looking at me strangely. I must've zoned out, "you coming to eat?" he asked. I nodded my head yes and got up "sorry. I zoned out" I say heading to the table, "that's fine" he says walking behind me.

I sat down in my normal spot beside Soda and Dally and we all ate the chicken that was sitting in front of us. 

When we were finished I helped clean up, and did some dishes. When everyone started heading home I decided I should go to. Dally walked me home.

He wanted to come inside, but I told him not tonight because my grandpa would be coming home late, and I wouldn't want him to see Dally in my room never mind sleeping with me in my bed.

I got a shower, got changed, brushed my teeth, and got in bed. I was nervous for tomorrow. Tomorrow's the day that I should be getting my period, and if I don't then I don't know what I'll do.


The feeling of something swirling around in my stomach made me jolt awake and run to the bathroom. I felt so nauseous that I barely made it to the toilet before I threw up.

I wiped the gunk from my mouth and flushed the toilet. I sat there tears beginning to form. I held my knees tightly to scared to check. I shakily stood up from the ground, and decided I would get ready for the day first.

It was bit of a chilly day out so I got changed into some dark blue jeans and a grey knitted long sleeve shirt (I know this isn't the style. Please don't come for me). 

I curled my hair and put on some makeup. 

I didn't want to check yet. I couldn't I was to nervous, so I decided to draw. Drawing helps calm me down. 

It was around noon and I decided I should check. I walked to the bathroom, and shut the door.


Opposites attract - Dally WinstonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora