rockabye •eight

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Inside the beautiful cathedral, men, women, and young adults wore their finery. Serena stood by Audrey and Chad. Chad's parents and Audrey's grandmother had take Athena around to meet people. Athena didn't complain after her mom and uncle Chad said it was okay. Serena had saw a blur walk pass and it caught her attention.

"Jane?" Serena calls. Jane, only child of Fairy Godmother, turns around slowly. Jane's eyes were fixed on the floor still embarrassed about her hair going back the way it use to be and seeing Serena in a beautiful dress with her beautiful red hair made her sad.

"Serena, welcome back." Jane says.

"Thank you, Jane. How are you?" Serena asks her. Jane's eyes had looked up at her.

"Honestly, not to great." Jane confesses. Serena grabs Jane's hand in comfort. Jane jumped in surprise, but realized who this was. Serena was always nice to her and would hang out with her when no one else would.

"Tell me about it." Serena says softly. Jane smiles, maybe she did have one true friend. Before Jane could tell about her troubles, a guard appears next to them and bows to Serena.

"Princess Serena."

"Yes?" Serena asks.

"You and your daughter are to stand with the King and Queen in the front row." The guard instructs. Serena looked to the front to see Belle and Adam staring at her as if waiting for an answer. Serena turned back to the guard.

"Is it a request or an order?" Serena asks. The guard looks up.

"I believe an order, your Highness." The guard says, then bows and leaves. Serena looks at Jane and smiles.

"I have to go, but find me later and we can talk, alright?"

"Okay." Jane says. Serena smiles.

"I'll hold you to that." Serena teases and bid her goodbye. She bid Chad and Audrey a goodbye too and went to find Athena.

Athena stood with Chad's parents and Audrey's grandmother. She didn't understand why the people around her looked at her and talked about her. She heard some say how tiny she was and how she will make a beautiful queen one day. Why would she be queen? Queen of what? She held onto Cinderella's hand to make sure she didn't get lost and Cinderella's didn't mind a bit. She reminded Athena of her grandma Ariel, a beautiful and nice person.

Serena found them in a group. People surrounded them her daughter that if their lives depended on it. Pushing through the crowd she saw Athena and tickles her neck a little. Athena let out a giggle and turns around to see who it was. She jumped into Serena's arms and the crowd let out a 'awwww'.

"Come on, we have to find our place." Serena told her and led her away. Athena held her mom's hand and founded. Everyone watched carefully as Serena walked towards the front. Adam and Belle watched to with an anxious feeling. Finally in front of them, Serena bows and Athena follows but Adam stops them.

"Drop the formalities. We are family." Adam says. Serena didn't say anything. Athena looks at her mom and to the royal couple before back at her mom.

"How are we family?" Athena asks innocently. All three looked at Athena, it made Belle smile and she couldn't contain it.

"We're your–"

"Don't." Serena spoke. Belle looks at her with a pleading look. Before any words could be spoken, the doors of the cathedral open.

The trumpets started to play as Prince Ben entered.

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