22. Unbridled Thief

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The Yin clan, since the beginning of Da Xia always had solid family ties.

For one of the female younger generation to have a child out of wedlock, it was clearly a huge scandal and would undoubtedly smear the family's distinguished reputation.

Any other sensible aristocrat would toss away that daughter for causing such humiliation.

But never the Yin clan. Firstly, they couldn't throw away an important clan member who knew the ins and outs of their family business.

Secondly, Yin Hua Lei didn't break any rules regarding the sovereign which was the utmost priority of the clan.

Thirdly, all generations of the Yin clan underwent rigorous training since young. They practically grew up under martial law inside the fu while everyone outside believed them to be pampered xiaojie and gongzhi. The probability of Yin Hua Lei breaking their highest rules was very low so this event could only be related to personal matters.

And lastly, they still didn't know the exact circumstances of what happened three years ago.

Nothing would result to rash actions, so to speak.

So disregarding the personal feelings of the family members, they could only wait for Yin Hua Lei to wake up and recuperate.

A day had passed but she had no signs of waking.

Midnight at Feng wangfu...

Feng prince had just entered his courtyard. He'd been out of the capital for a few days to check up on the situation of the Huoyang troops.

He gave up his authority as Commander General the day he returned to the capital but it was only to satisfy the officials who were uneasy leaving prince Feng to wield such power inside the imperial city.

"Bao Bei?" Xia Lian Bei lightly asked for his daughter.

The head steward who greeted him knew that the first thing his Highness would ask about was his precious daughter.

"The little highness is asleep, your Highness. She's quite exhausted from playing around all day so this servant let her rest early."

Xia Lian Bei's lips automatically hooked on the corners, imagining his little darling daughter chasing around butterflies in the garden.

Seeing the prince this way, it was hard not to be charmed by him ah! The familiar playfulness and unruliness in his bearing was mixed with tenderness that no one could deny.

The moon light made his pale hair look silvery and even caused the normally eye-threatening robes to be quite subdued.

It was as plain as day that Xia Tiandi was his heaven and earth.

The head steward glanced at his master with traces of admiration. The eunuch clearly knew Prince Feng treated the world as a huge playground and never really took any matter seriously.

Even the beauties living inside this prince residence, who among them received the favor of serving the master? His Highness only looked at the beauties, said some flirtatious and ambiguous words but never moved further than that.

The only person who could elicit genuine and serious emotions from Prince Feng was the little Highness, ah!

But wait, the head steward seemed to be off-tracked. This wasn't the time to contemplate about Prince Feng's life.

Shai, who was behind Xia Lian Bei this whole time, sensed the change in the head steward's mood. He already saw earlier that the eunuch seemed so relieved at seeing his master but it was a look of a dying man admiring his savior. Why did he have such countenance?

[COMPLETE] Not Good! The Villainess Is MuddledHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin