39. Growing Some Guts

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After the morning court ended, Yin Hua Lei found herself accompanying her grandfather along the way to the cold palace.

Together with Feng prince of course.

"Lian'er, this old man haven't seen you in a long time but you already scored on our Xiao Lei ah! Youngsters these days, really! Nevermind, nevermind, just give this old man plentiful little dumplings to hold. This old man gives you two my blessing!"

Duke Yin was saying auspicious words but he was gripping Xia Lian Bei's shoulder in a death grip.

"Grandfather Guo is still the most understanding...!" He could only reply through gritted teeth.

"Tiandi must be awake now. Grandfather wants to see her right?" Yin Hua Lei had to interfere before the wang shu's shoulder blade was crushed.

"Ah, yes! My first great granddaughter, how cute can she be? C'mon, you two walk faster ah!"

It appeared the Duke wasn't ailed with rheumatism that he could half-run half-walk in such a manner.

When they arrived at the receiving hall of the cold palace, the three of them being masters of martial arts, immediately heard soft sobs.

Yin Hua Lei was distraught so she ran to the bedroom Tiandi was in.

The little treasure was sitting near the window, tears streaming down her small face but she wasn't wailing or throwing a tantrum.

The child woke up in a different room and even though she saw familiar faces, she was still alarmed by this.

The maids hovering around her didn't know what to do, even Nuo Wan was at a loss how to coax such quiet crying.

"Tiandi..." | "Bao Bei..."

Yin Hua Lei and Xia Lian Bei called at the same time.

The little treasure's lips parted as she turned her pretty head towards the door to see her parents standing.

This was a surprising sight for her as she always only got to see one of them at a given time. Even in the banquet yesterday, her mommy fairy princess was sitting far away from them.

After choking back a sob, she clumsily bounced off her sit and sprinted towards the two.

Xia Lian Bei accurately predicted that the little demoness would jump towards her mother instead of him so he saved himself the humiliation of spreading his arms to catch her.

"Treasure.... hush now. Don't cry, mommy's here." Tears welled up Yin Hua Lei's eyes, she could finally say those words out loud.

She hugged the small ball of warmth and gently nuzzled her face.

Xia Lian Bei settled with wiping his darling daughter's tears. He knew his wife (ehem...) didn't know how to do cute stuff like cooing and baby talking but it was fine. He could settle for that job.

"Why're you scared? Didn't poppa tell you that if someone wants to hurt you, chop 'em!"

Yin Hua Lei's shoulders went stiff. She stared at the wang shu.

"Pardon?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Uhmm... What this prince meant is to let her maids protect Bao Bei. It's not like this prince is teaching violent things to my sweet little treasure!"

The princess only hummed in reply and turned back to Tiandi. "Hungry?"

Feng prince ordered the servants temporarily sent here by the Emperor to fetch breakfast.

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