The Proposal

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"Okay put the couch in there right over that carpet. This vase goes to that table cause it complement its color." 

Amy is busy instructing her crew about where to put the furniture and ornaments in their client's new home. She is an interior decorator and this is her fourth project this month. People would describe her as hardworking, diligent, uptight, and a little bit of a control freak. She likes being in control and always has a plan for everything. She spotted a crooked frame and started to fix it right away. 

"Okay people, it's already 2:30 so we should be finishing up soon. We have a tight schedule." 

She announced to everyone and they all started to work harder because they all know that she likes to keep her schedule. Her phone suddenly rang and it was her friend Beth so she answered it. 

"Hey Beth." she answered.

 "I have some great news for you!" her friend said obviously over the moon. 

"Yeah what is it?" she answered slightly curious about it. 

"I can't tell you over the phone so let's meet for coffee tomorrow at our usual place okay? Bye now." 

And just like that her friend hung up. She checked her schedule and was relieved that she's free for coffee tomorrow.

The Next Day

"Two cups of espresso for the beautiful ladies." 

The waiter said as he placed two steaming cups of coffee onto the table Amy and Cassie are occupying one morning in a coffee shop in Brooklyn. Beth is showing her engagement ring to Amy. 

"So, Jacob finally had the guts to propose huh?" Amy said while carefully inspecting the ring, clearly envious of it. 

"I know!" Beth her chatty friend squealed with delight "We were watching the Coldplay concert when he suddenly knelt and proposed" she added.

"Congratulations ladies, I can already hear wedding bells!" Cassie her other chatty friend butted in and sat with them.

 "Thanks Cassie!" Cassie replied. 

"Argh you guys are so annoying! I can't believe I'm gonna be the last one to get married when I've been in a relationship longer than you guys are." Amy said feeling really envious now.

"Don't fret Amy dear. I saw Nathan at Cartier the other day and I think he's buying a ring" Beth said grinning. 

"Is this what you're trying to tell me yesterday?" Amy asked.

"Uh yeah. That's why I have to tell you personally!" Beth said still elated.

 "Are you sure it's him?" Amy asked trying to suppress a smile. 

"I'm sure it's him. I even took a closer look just to be sure and he was looking at engagement rings!" Beth said pretty sure of herself.

"It's about time you know, you guys have been dating for years!" Cassie added.

Amy's phone suddenly rang. "That must be him!" Amy reached for her phone and almost dropped it on her cup when she confirmed that it was Nathan. 

"Oh my god! What am I gonna say?" Amy asked. 

"Just act normal okay, don't let him know that you know." Cassie said with a wink. 

"Okay here it goes." 

After the phone conversation, Amy faced her friends and smiled. 

"He asked me to go out with him tonight!" Delight and excitement visible in her eyes. 

"He's gonna propose!" her friends squealed simultaneously. 

"Okay, what are you gonna wear?" Beth asked. 

"First things first, we got to practice your surprised-I-had-no-idea-you're-gonna-propose face." Cassie said matter of factly. 

And so they did and after numerous failed attempts that just got weirder and weirder, they were forced to settle to the most subtle reaction. The plan was simple, look hot in a dress, get to dinner, pretend to be surprised, and of course, say yes. Amy couldn't be more happy to finally say yes.


Amy and Nathan are eating at some fancy restaurant with Amy eagerly waiting for the time to say "Yes". When they finished eating, Nathan reached for her hand across the table and stared right into her eyes. 

"Honey, we've been together for almost five years now and I want you to know how much I appreciate you." Nathan said while smiling and looking directly on her eyes. 

Still too caught up in the moment, Amy only managed a smile. He squeezed her hand and brought out a small red box. 

"So I want you to have this." Nathan added while holding out the box. 

As she reached for it, she kept reminding herself to do her surprised face. As she held the box on her hand, all she could think about is how this is the beginning of her married life. Then she started thinking about their wedding and where should it takes place all the while smiling to herself. Her thought were interrupted by Nathan asking her to see what's inside the box. She opened the small box and she didn't have to pretend to be surprised because she is utterly and completely surprised at its content. 

Inside the box is a pair of diamond earrings instead of a ring. Disappointment flashed on her face but only for a brief second because she was able to hide it not wanting Nathan to notice. 

"It's earrings!" she managed to say despite of her disappointment. 

"I saw it and instantly thought that they would look great on you." He then smiled at her and asked, "do you like it?"

"Of course, I like it. Thank you honey, it's very beautiful" Amy said and leaned in to kiss him but his phone rang. 

Nathan glanced at his phone and saw that it was a work call so he excused himself to answer it. So Amy was left alone, crestfallen but she just hid it because she doesn't want Nathan to know that she expected something from him. Her plan was ruined and for the first time, she is forced to deal with what is to come because the situation is out of her control now.

When Nathan came back, Amy showed him her sweetest smile to hide her emotions. 

"Hey, I just received a call from the company, I have to leave for a five day conference in Dublin first thing tomorrow Mr. Smith can't go so I'm filling up for him." Nathan relaying their conversation.

"Oh yeah? I'm gonna miss you." Amy said barely understanding what he said. 

Nathan didn't even expect Amy to be surprised anymore because things like this often happen and they've been dating for a long time. He just thought that Amy was used to it so she didn't react much. Little did he know that Amy was thinking about something else.

"Remember the condominium that we liked? I'm supposed to talk to the manager tomorrow about it and discuss things." this got Amy's attention because they really like that place.

"That's great! I really hope it works out." Amy said a little cheerful now. 

They've been planning to buy that place for a long time so they can finally live together. 

"Well, I think I should focus on that for now." She thought to herself while eating.

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