Tea at my place

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I woke up in my bed, hugging 2 of my pillows close to me. "I must've been acting out my dream whilst asleep.." I said to myself while rubbing my eyes. My dream consisted of me, Aziraphale, and Crowley, all just huddled together on a couch. I wish it were real, but right now all I can do is dream. I got out of bed and did my morning routine, etc. I got a text from Crowley, asking if I wanted to hangout with them again, I quickly responded with a 'sure' because I'm never missing a chance to see them. "Aziraphale suggested something like a tea party, he just likes tea." Crowley joked. I chuckled and responded with "Why don't we host it at my house?" Crowley sent "Well, if you really want to, sure. We'll be over in a bit." I turned off my phone and began to clean the house.

It took a while, but I managed to get the place looking clean, and on time. Because, as soon as I put the last paper ball in the trash, they knocked on the door. I opened it. "Hey guys! Come on in." They came in and Aziraphale thanked me. "So, should I set up?" Crowley nodded and I went in the kitchen and began making tea.

Once the tea was ready, I took the container and pour some in 3 cups. "Tea's ready!" I said, while walking out with the cups on a tray. I set it down on the coffee table and sat down on a chair. The 2 guys followed, sitting on a couch on the other side. They grabbed their cup, I grabbed mine. We discussed random topics while drinking. Eventually, I finished my cup. "Be right back, gonna refill." I went to the kitchen to grab the heated tea, yet me being the idiot I am, I slipped on a towel left on the floor and the tea spilled all over me and the ground. Yet again, this was HOT tea. I shrieked as I tried to adjust to the temperature. Aziraphale came running to the kitchen, hearing my shriek. "Oh my goodness, are you alright?!" He bent down to my level, even though I was on the floor on my stomach. "Do I look alright to ya?" I was angry at myself, I didn't mean to be rude. Aziraphale helped me up and gave me a towel. "Maybe, we should just talk instead." He insisted. I nodded and went back, dripping in now cold tea, and a towel on my back. Crowley laughed a little at my clumsiness and I stuck my tongue out at him. I sat back down and sighed. "I'm an awful host." I mumbled. Crowley heard this and responded with "No you're not! Ya just slipped, that's all." I felt tears prick my eyes, but held them back. "Aw, don't cry! There's no reason to!" Aziraphale tried to reassure me as he sat back down. I let a few tears fall down my face, and tried not to make noise. Aziraphale saw my pain and couldn't handle it, all he did was hug me. I hugged him back, blushing a bit. "I-I'm sorry.." I said. "There's no reason to be sorry." Crowley said, joining the hug, despite him not indulging this behavior on a basis. We all sat there in silence for a moment, just hugging each other. We all let go and I felt a lot better. "Well, I don't think there's much to do now.. I have to take a shower and get this tea off me." I said. "Angel, ya wanna go home?" Aziraphale nodded and as he left he said "Thank you for the tea." They rode off in the Bentley. I took a shower, making sure to get all the dried tea off me. After that, I put on my sleepwear and had yet another dream about the 2 supernatural entities, that I love.

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