Chapter 13 - Aspirant

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"This is nice," said Zaire, "this is the true spirit of camaraderie. Fate had set us against one another as enemies and yet here we are breaking bread as friends."

"You can be his friend," said Kel, "I still don't like him."

The three sat on weird hand-tree logs they had dragged around the fire eating hunks of meat from the six-trunked something or other. Behind them the frame for the larger shelter looked fantastic after a few hours of hard work.

"Yes you do," said Zaire, "you're the one who invited him."

"I just dislike waste more than I dislike him," said Kel. "And it was a close call."

"Well whatever the reason I appreciate the offer," said Decker.

Kel snorted with derision.

"We still haven't had proper introductions. You already know I am called Zaire but my last name is Esper," said Zaire, touching his chest "I was born on a starship, the H.C.S. Disasteriously Varied Mental Model, so I don't have a home ring. Kel here's full name is-"

"None of your business," Kel finished for him.

"Kel, enough," said Zaire, "your hostility accomplishes nothing."

"My hostility accomplishes opsec. You tell this sprellhead your life story if you want, that's your prerogative. You don't tell him anything about me."

"What's he going to do with your last name?"

"Not your call."

"Have it your way," said Zaire.

"Look, I get it, I made about as bad a first impression as you can," said Decker. "I'm Sam Decker by the way. Centauri Ring."

"See, Kel, you're ringmates," said Zaire.

"So is one third of the human race, so what?" replied Kel.

"How did you get involved with A.R.C.?" asked Zaire, ignoring her.

"I'm not sure. The Lodge Mistress has been real cagey about it. I think they started monitoring me when I destroyed a peacekeeper drone."

"Why would you do that?" asked Zaire.

"So I could, uh, bypass a peace bond and, you know, beat someone up," Decker admitted.

"Great," said Kel. "Real upstanding citizens they're recruiting into the Corps now."

"How did you get involved?" asked Decker.

"I have a familial connection to the Sidereal Choir," explained Zaire, "I was permitted to apply to lodge directly."

"So you know a bit about A.R.C. then right? The other lodges?" asked Decker.

"A little," said Zaire.

"What can you tell me about the Violet Motley?" asked Decker.

"The Jesters," said Zaire. "I don't know much. They have a reputation for... thinking outside the box. They're very closely allied with your lodge, actually. The Neutronium Dragons."

"Really?" asked Decker.

"It makes sense. The two lodges are very different but that can be a strength as a much as a weakness. They cover each other's blind spots."

"How many lodges are there?" asked Kel. She dropped her unfriendly attitude like a hot potato.

"I have no idea," said Zaire, "it's all supposed to be secret. But when you grow up around it you hear stuff."

"Well what lodges do you know?" asked Kel.

"Um, besides our three lodges and the Violet Motley there's the Entropy Hawks and the Axiomatic Suns, at least. I think there's more though."

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