Chapter 32 - Showdown At Synergy Station

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Decker called on his suit, hiding deep in hyperspace, only the smallest protrusion anchoring it in the lower dimensions. Undetectable until called upon.

The black-and-silver suit began to spread across Decker's body as it warped in piece-by-piece. At the same time Aranarth's body was becoming covered by an identical suit. Ophelia was doing likewise, but each tiny component of her suit was a different color. Shapes of violet dominated, followed by muted green, but the entire rainbow was represented.

In a matter of moments their earth-toned disguises had been replaced by the most advanced power armor known to humanity.

"Squire Decker's Suit: you have my permission to warp in weapons for the time being," said Aranarth.

<Finally!> thought Decker. <Give me a Perjurer!>

<Coming up,> replied the Suit.

The sleek railgun slid into his hands sideways.

"What are you doing with that?" asked Aranarth. "What do you think we're fighting here? Squire Decker's Suit: swap that for a Falsifier-class Ion Pulse Rifle."

The railgun began to vibrate for a moment before suddenly being replaced by an ion rifle. The excess energy was burned off as a burst of light.

Ophelia laughed. No, Decker decided, she pantomimed laughing just so he would know she knew he was embarrassed.

"Wait for my signal," said Aranarth, holding out his hand.

<How far away are you?> Aranarth signaled Helios. <The second we step out of the ship it's going to give it away as your destination.>

<Close. I'm going full speed. But it doesn't matter. I'm 80% sure they're tracing these messages anyway. They'll already know- Sprell!>

There was silence for a moment.

<They'll already know where you are by now. Get out here ASAP!>

"Let's go," said Aranarth. "I'm going to try and free the ship, you two provide cover fire for Ranger Helios. Only fire at the sky. Avoid buildings. Do not take a shot if there's a chance you're going to hit a civilian. The majority of the people out here aren't even affiliated with Saturn Starlifting."

"It's not going to be great cover fire under those conditions," said Ophelia.

"It'll be what it is," said Aranarth, already activating the airlock.

It actually required him to press a physical button. Decker and Ophelia stepped in the airlock, but Aranarth didn't join them. Instead he marched over to the other airlock on the opposite side of the ship. The one that led right out into the void of space.

By the time the door to the first airlock slammed shut it was obvious what the old fool was going to do.

Decker and Ophelia emerged from the airlock and already they could hear the distant sound of gunfire; the sustained high-volume crackle and pop characteristic of ion beams. Once the fight got a little closer this would be joined by the sizzling noise the beams made as they slipped through defence fields.

A surprisingly low volume of stray ion beams fired this way and that as Ranger Helios, accompanied by four makeshift sub-sapient drones that looked like they were warped in using spare parts from her suit, turned a corner around one of the ceiling-scrapers and came roaring into view. 

She was pursued by two distinct swarms of combat drones that moved like schools of fish. They dodged and weaved between buildings and straight through holographic advertisements. They were firing on her, although conservatively.

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