The Best Birthday Present

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Sensing Cyan's dispirited mood, the moment he returned to his own room, Firis decided to give him a present.

"Happy birthday, Cyan-sama! As today is a special day, I shall present you a grand magical water show!!"

In a moment, Firis quickly created various forms of magical water and performed her story-telling. It was the story of a lonely boy who was searching for his friends. Along his journey, he met with various creatures with the same goal—from a dog, magical beast, demonic monster, magical plant—they traveled together and managed to pass through many ordeals. At the end of the journey, they realized that they were no longer lonely—and that they have gained their own "family".

Perhaps since he was able to relate to the main character so much, Cyan's eyes were sparkling as he watched the whole magical water show performed. Though nothing could be done about his own blood-related family, this story gave him hope of finding similar kind of "family".

After that, as per their annual tradition, Cyan celebrated his birthday with Chloe and Firis, his two closest people in this house. Eating Chloe's delicious cake managed to increase his spirit even more.

That night, as usual, Firis insisted on accompanying him until he fell asleep. Though sometimes Cyan would reject the offer as he felt he was no longer a little child, but this time, he didn't seem to object at all.

When Firis tucked Cyan on his blanked, unexpectedly, Cyan grabbed Firis' hand.

"What is it, Cyan-sama?"

"Firis, tell me. Do you care for me only because you're hired as my maid, or do you really... care about me?" Cyan timidly asked this question. He wasn't sure why, but since he felt that nobody in his family really wanted him, he began doubting. He began to feel as if he was really unwanted and unloved, and he doubted it when he felt that there were people who cared about him.

Especially Firis. Cyan felt so attached to Firis who had always been there for him.

At least, if she indeed doesn't care about me, let that hope be smashed here and now.

Determined, Cyan added, "Tell me the truth. I won't be mad or anything. I have to know."

Firis was really surprised at Cyan's serious face. After closing her eyes for a few seconds, she patted Cyan's head and said, "Cyan-sama, being able to take care of you like this is my greatest joy in life. I don't know how you feel about it, but I seriously care about you."

Sensing the gentleness and sincerity Firis showed, Cyan felt relieved.

"...It would be nice if you were my mother, Firis," Cyan smiled on his wishful thinking.

However, Firis who heard those words, widened her eyes in surprise.

But then, she quickly recovered, tidied up Cyan's bed, and said, "Good night, Cyan-sama."

"Mm, good night, Firis. ...Thank you."

In the middle of the night, Cyan woke up after having a nightmare and he wasn't able to fall asleep again. Therefore, he decided to just take a stroll around the house.

Though he was more used to being alone compared to other children his age, he still wanted to look for Firis or Chloe's figures, as he just had a nightmare.

He wondered... if they were still awake, or if he could intrude on their sleep?

As he approached the servants' living quarters, he noticed that the door to Firis and Chloe's room was slightly open. And he could see that the light was still on. To support his deduction, he then heard some voices... Firis and Chloe's voices!! They weren't sleeping?!

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