Who Are They?

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Oh, I couldn't believe what was happening!!

Dad, suddenly bringing in two children and announcing that they would be our new family members?!

Dad—the one who seemed to be head over heels with Mom... was actually having an affair outside that resulted in the pair of children he brought in?!

At that moment, my view of the world instantly crumbled. I didn't want to believe it, but the evidence all pointed to this conclusion.

The pair of boy and girl had a peculiarity that was the trademark of the Hartmann—heterochromatic eyes. Not that there won't be any other heterochromatic people outside the Hartmann, but... in this situation, I couldn't believe that this pair of children had no Hartmann blood at all.

Crap, crap, what should I do?

It wouldn't be long before Mom and Alt-nii noticed that Dad was home.

Mom is such a prideful woman, she definitely won't stand still in silence even after Dad wronged her like this...

Wait, I still couldn't believe that Dad could do this, okay?

But what could possibly explain all this?

...Now I got what my dream meant.

It was a premonition of this day.

For you see—Dad brought home a pair of twin children. A boy and a girl. Just like the pair of twins portrayed in the Hartmann clan's origin—only their description differed, though.

My heart ached in an instant I imagined my perfectly harmonious family would be brought to rift due to it.

Between Mom and Dad... If they were to divorce, who would I choose? I loved them both... but Dad was being unfair to Mom...

What should I do?

I hate this...

As I started to feel the atmosphere around me grow heavier...

"Eh? Lyra?"

Dad seemed to notice that something was off with me—perhaps my expression changed several times, but his voice still sounded full of concern of me...

That, I was happy, but...

"Cyan, is that you? Are you finally home? How is it? Any news?"

My mind blanked the moment I heard Mom's voice closing in.

...What will Mom say when she saw the pair of children Dad brought in...?

"Is it true or—"

My mind was in a complete disarray when I noticed Mom was beside me. She abruptly stopped her sentence there...



See? Her voice showed her surprise.

"Cass, I'm back. And these children here are..."

What's Dad doing with this normal tone of voice? Is he not feeling the slightest bit of remorse?


Mom's voice turned stern as she didn't even wait for Dad to finish his sentence. I closed my eyes in fear of what was going to happen.

"Hm?" Dad's voice could be heard.

I opened my eyes in an instant, and what I saw was how Mom quickly ran towards Dad in her agitation and—

...And snatched the two children from him. The two children shook in surprise. They blinked their eyes simultaneously, but aside from that, they didn't have any other reaction... I wasn't sure if I was surprised due to Mom's sudden action or the kids' lack of reactions. Maybe both.

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