Chapter : 4

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After researching the scrolls here and there for some days, the day finally arrived for them to leave the village for their mission. Hinata did her best to translate as much scrolls as she could but they found nothing that could be useful or the missing piece of the instructions about the chakra fruit.

Hinata was currently at the gates, waiting for Sasuke. Hinata kept watching her wrist watch as she waited. Sasuke was late, which was unusual. After waiting another ten minutes, she decided to go and find him but before she could move, Sasuke appeared infront of her.

She gave him a look but said in a soft tone, "You're late."

"I was waiting for Kakashi," he said in a monotone. Hinata nodded in understanding. She knew how Kakashi often lost his way in the path of life or some black cat crossed his way. She sighed and followed Sasuke out of the village.

First, they were going at a slow pace. Just like some wanderers, wandering around. Hinata enjoyed this slow pace journey because she got to see and observe the trees, flowers and other natural scenreies. It had been a long time since she got to see this greenery. Although, it was only the start of spring but she could see some flowers in full bloom.

Last time she left the village was when Hanabi was kidnapped and it was in the middle of the winter and she really didn't have the time to admire the scenery at that time. But now, she was going to take the full advantage of it all.

She turned around and focused her attention on Sasuke. He was completley quiet as they walked. Hinata didn't talk much but that didn't mean that she liked the silence. She liked to listen to her teammates whenever they went on a mission. Kiba was the one who talked alot. Hinata and Shino only listened.

At this time, Hinata missed her team. It had been so long since they all went on a mission together. Right now, she could only sigh as they walked in complete silence. She decided to talk and start a conversation. She and Sasuke didn't talk much when they were at the village. They didn't even spent time together except that day at his apartment and she left quickly after having a little nap. She was embarassed a little because she had fallen asleep at a guy's apartment.

She shook off her thoughts and tried to talk. "Why were you waiting for Kakashi-sensei?" That question came out of her mouth on its own before she could stop herself. It wasn't her business where he went or what he was doing. Well, now that she had asked, better not regret it.

Sasuke didn't answer at first but when he saw Hinata's curious face, he sighed and said, "He said that I bring you home safe and sound."


"And I shouldn't be a jerk towards you during the whole journey," he added after a moment. Hinata chuckled at that.

"I can put up with that, don't worry."
Hinata said with a smile.

"Hn," he said and muttered under his breath, "I know." With that he increased his pace and went ahead. Hinata only followed behind. They went like this for a day. They made camp and stayed for the night. In the morning, they continued to head towards their destination. They didn't talk much, just exchanging few words here and there and nothing more.

After a week of dreadful and an awfully quiet journey, they finally arrived at the cave which was more like a temple. A temple, destroyed by bad weather and old age. The entrance to the temple was completely destroyed as the debris was blocking the way. Only a little gap was seen which was enough for a man to pass through.

Sasuke led the way as he slipped inside through the small gap. Hinata stayed behind for a moment and scanned the surroundings with her Byakugan. She found nothing out of ordinary, then she too slipped inside.

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