Chapter : 15

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The birds were chirping, their melodious voices drifting in the winds and reached the sleeping Uchiha's ears. He stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes as he layed on his back, his eyes fixated on the ceiling.

Memories from last night flooded in his mind, Hinata's words were still echoing in his mind and a smile tugged at his lips when he remembered that moment when Hinata had said those words to him. He felt so contend in that moment and when he had locked his eyes with her pale lavender eyes, he saw his world in them. He felt like he had everything in this world right there with him.

Because Hinata was there, she was his world.

He took a deep breath and again closed his eyes to sleep but his ears perked up at the faint noises which were coming from the living room. His brows furrowed at that. He immediately stood up and grabbed his katana which was by the door. He opened the door, his sword in hand but hidden from the sight.

As soon as he stepped out of the room, a strong aroma filled his nosetrils and he froze in his tracks, his grip loosening on the sword.

There she was, moving gracefully in his kitchen as she went to the sink, rinsing the vegetables then moving back to the stove to stir whaterver was in that pot.

Hinata stopped stirring and turned to face Sasuke when she heard him shuffle behind her. He was looking at her without blinking as if he was frozen by something. Hinata eyed him carefully, he was still in his night cloths, his dark hair all messed up and his katana in his hand. She stepped out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron.

She tilted her head to the side in confusion and said, "Good Morning..."

At that, Sasuke blinked and stood straight as his body relaxed. He cleared his throat as he tried to hide his katana behind his back.

"What are you doing here?"

Hinata blinked at his question but then said, "I woke up early today... So I thought of making you breakfast."

Hinata smiled at him but deep inside, she felt nervous. She really woke up early in the morning because she couldn't sleep. Memories from last night kept coming back in her mind, making it difficult for her to sleep.

After the whole encounter last night, when Sasuke had decided not to leave, he and Hinata had walked back to the Hyuga compound and then they had parted ways. He wasn't expecting Hinata to show up this morning, but now he was glad Hinata was here.

His tone was neither rude nor cold but it made Hinata think that she might've overstepped some boundaries. So she grew flustered and nervous as she said.

"I-If that's o-okay for you, I mean... I-I am s-sorry if I... I-I woke you up," she kept ranting, she herself didn't know what she was saying, she could feel her cheeks burn, no doubt her face must be looking like a tomato.

She continued, "I j-just wanted to m-make you something. I-I am sorry... I just w-wanted to see you... So I c-came..."

She stopped and gasped as she realized what she had just said. Her face went red and took even a deeper shade of red. She bit her lip and looked down and squeezed her eyes shut in order to control her blushing. She then heard Sasuke chuckle and his approaching footsteps.

She looked up at him, he was now an arm's distance away from her but he covered that distance as well. He came close to her and smiled at her as he gently lifted her chin with his fingers.

They both looked into each other's eyes and Sasuke said, "I am happy you are here."

Hinata smiled at that but her cheeks were still red. Sasuke smirked and leaned closer as if to kiss her, Hinata closed her eyes in anticipation but he brought his lips to her ear and whispered, "The soup is burning."

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