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I let my back hit the wall, letting tears run down my face as I gasped for air.

It was so hard to breathe

I held my chest- feeling a pain throughout it as I struggled for air.

Just as I gasped again the door swung open- revealing Luke.

"I-I can't" I lightly tapped my chest- trying to tell him that I couldn't breathe.

"Shit" he cursed, lifting me bridal style quickly, running down the hall with me as I continued to cry and struggle to breathe.

We ran into Calum's room- making panic spread across both Ashton and Calum's face.

"She can't breathe" Luke spoke, laying me beside Calum, who quickly held a mask over my face.

"Okay- okay- Relax" He spoke, holding my sobbing state.

"Take deep breaths, focus on me, listen to my heart" he spoke, carefully placing my head to his chest.

I squeezed the sheets of his bed into my hands, closing my eyes against him- trying to focus on my breathing.

"Good job Paige- just keep listening to my heart, follow my breathing" he spoke slowly, stroking my hair gently.

Soon I had the breathing down- hiccups were the only thing interrupting it.

Calum took the mask away from my face, wiping my tears slowly.

"My chest hurts" I spoke, making him pull me to fully lay down with him.

"Just keep breathing" he spoke slowly, holding me to him.

"Ashton's going to listen to your lungs, just take deep breaths for him" Calum spoke and I almost immediately felt the stethoscope on my back.

I took as deep of breaths as I could manage, continuing to rest into Calum.

"She's fine, just anxiety" Ashton's voice spoke slowly,

Calum covered me up with the blankets he was under, holding me tightly.

"Want to talk about anything before you fall asleep?" He asked- which made me question how he knew how tired I was.

"Not right now" I barely mumbled, feeling him give my body a small squeeze.

He played with the ends of my hair as I fought my sleep, focusing to things in the room to keep me awake.

"Both of you- stop fighting your sleep" Ashton's voice spoke firmly from a chair behind me, making me laugh lightly, seeing a smile come onto Calum's face.

"I'm not falling asleep until you do" Calum spoke swiftly.

I exhaled, keeping my head on his shoulder, feeling his hand rubbing my back gently, assisting in making me tired

I let the urge of sleep pull me into it

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