twenty three

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i watch ethan from my desk.

he's actually working today; skimming over multiple papers and scribbling different things here and there. his jaw is tense and i can't tell if he notices me staring or not. he probably does. ethan notices everything.

i, meanwhile, haven't touched my unedited manuscript. it sits in its manila folder on my desk, undisturbed. i unwrap a piece of gum and pop it into my mouth, still watching ethan. he wears a white shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. a black tie is knotted around his neck. he leans on his elbows, eyes scanning the papers in front of him.

he suddenly sits up, sliding a paper across his desk to jesy.

"you made a calculation error," he says plainly.

jesy looks at the paper, brow furrowed. "oh," she says. "sorry."

ethan nods and moves some papers around, clicking a pen erratically between his fingers. he chews gum, popping a bubble every once in a while.

there's so much i'm dying to find out about him. i obviously won't be able to get it out of him by talking, so there has to be another way. my plan from the night before surfaces in my mind. could it work? if i get caught looking in ethan's file without proper authorization, i could be in serious trouble. is it worth it?

my eyes are still fixated on ethan when he looks up and locks gazes with me. the pigment of his eyes are hazel as ever as he presses his lips into a tight line. i quickly look down to my desk.

"emma." i look up back into his eyes. he rests on his right arm, leaning slightly toward me. "take a picture, it'll last longer."

i blush and look down. i can practically hear the smug in his light laugh.

i stand from my desk and walk to the break room. i open the fridge and look for something that appeals to me, but i find nothing.

"hey, emma."

i jump at zeke's voice, leaning back against the wall.

"zeke," i breathe. "you startled me."

zeke chuckles and ducks down to look inside the fridge. "sorry," he says.

i run a hand through my hair and such. "it's fine," i say.

zeke straightens up and cracks open a diet coke. "so what's up? you seemed kind of distracted today."

"oh, um... i don't know."

zeke leans against the counter and sips how soda. a thought suddenly occurs to me.

"zeke," i say, tilting my head to the side a bit. "what do you know about ethan?"

zeke shrugs. "he's an asshole," he says, cracking a smile. "but we're friends, i guess."


"he's a damn genius, though," zeke goes on. "great at math and such. the opposite of myself." zeke chuckles.

"what... do you know about his past?" i know this is nosy of me to ask these things, but i can't help myself.

"not much. he doesn't talk about his family a lot, or anything." zeke takes another drink of his coke, eyeing me.

i nod. "well, thanks," i say. "i was just curious." i smile at zeke before walking out of the break room and back to my desk.

ethan isn't at his desk.

i look down at my manuscript and internally groan. i open the manila folder and click open my red pen just as mr. greenman steps out of his office.

"emma," he calls and i shoot up, walking over to him.

"is there something i can help you with?" i ask politely when I reach him.

"yes. you still need to verify the accuracy of your file in mr. crystal's office with mr. dolan, so i'd like you to do that now."

i swallow, "o-okay."

"and i suggest you take the stairs." mr. greenman smirks.

i blush. "all right."

i don't see ethan anywhere so i make my way up to mr. crystal's office. i climb the flights of stairs and finally arrive at reception of mr. crystal's complex.

"chamberlain," i say to the receptionist and she nods for me to go into the office.

ethan slumps in one of the seats across from mr. crystal's desk. his expression is blank as i sit down.

"miss chamberlain, it's a pleasure to see you again," crystal says, smiling at me.

i nod and try to ignore ethan's presence beside me.

"mr. dolan has done an excellent job of associating your file with the company, i just need you to read over it and correct any errors."

i take the file into my hands and open it, my eyes skimming all the information i already know about myself. everything is neatly typed and accurate. i nod and hand the file back to crystal.

"everything's right," i say and i see ethan half smile out of the corner of my eye.

"perfect," crystal says and turns to slip the file into a cabinet by his desk. that must by where he keeps the records of everyone. including ethan.

i inhale sharply. i need to get in there to read about ethan. i hate that my curiosity is eating my alive; i hate that i'm letting it control me like this.

ethan stands from his seat and i follow suit. crystal shakes my hand and then ethan's. i follow ethan out of the office.

we walk down the stairs silently. ethan has his hands in his pockets and his eyes cast down.

"emma," he says suddenly as we step onto our floor.

"yeah?" i say, surprised that he's even talking to me.

"ever heard the saying 'curiosity killed the cat?'"

"once or twice," i say carefully.

he looks at me with something i can't quite decipher, nodding, and walks into the office, leaving me and my confusion.

curiosity killed the cat.

did he hear me talking to zeke? oh no. if he did, he must be angry with me. but his tone was so placid. i shudder and walk into the office.

four o'clock rolls around and ethan stands to leave, walking out without a word. i gather my things and take the elevator up to eleventh floor. i stand in the stairwell, watching as everyone files out of crystal's complex. they chatter and laugh as they step into the elevator. i watch as mr. crystal exits the office, engaged in a phone cell.

i silently creep out of the stairwell, leaving my bags and other items on the stairs. i walk into the empty complex, double checking that every desk is empty.

i look around for security cameras and surprisingly find none as i slip inside crystal's office.

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