9. Unexpected guests at the Stark Tower

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Short summary: Peter is sick and stays over at the tower while an unexpected group of Midtown Tech comes for a tour...

Tony looked up from his current work project as he heard Friday's voice echo through the walls of the lab.

"Sir, you asked me to tell you immediately if there was a sudden change of Peter Parker's vitals, correct?" Tony put his glasses on the table and stood up.

"Yeah?" He asked Friday back in a concerned fatherly voice. "I swear to God if that little punk is on patrol at this time I'm gonn-"

"Peter seems so be ill, his heartbeat is constantly changing which causes his blood pressure to change. It seems like he is throwing up."

"Call May Parker." Tony said after listening to what Friday told him. May probably had the situation controlled and wouldn't need Tony to come.

"Tony? Is everything alright? Is Peter alright?" She asked, whispering into the phone.

"Wait, aren't you with Peter?" Tony was surprised, she asked all of the questions that he had about to ask.

"No! I was going to call you to say that I left for a meeting yesterday night, but Peter insisted he was gonna ask you." She said, still whispering in the phone.

"Ask me what?" Tony was so confused, who was with the kid?

"If he could stay over till tomorrow? Wait.." She sighted. "He's not there?"

"No! Peter not here, he never called?"

"Oh great.. I guess he was too embarrassed to ask you," She said and walked into another room where she spoke with a more clear voice.

"Where's Peter right now?" Tony asked on his way out the building to take the kid home to the tower.

"I guess he stayed home alone," May answered while there was a knock in the background, "Shit- Tony I'm so sorry, I really have to go!"

"It's okay, I'll check on the kid, bye."

"Thank you, bye."

Tony jumped into the drivers seat on one of his older cars, knowing that Peter would probably be vomiting.

Gosh, he was such a mess. Peter put his head in the toilet once again and let out the last of his breakfast.
He rested his head on the toilet seat and tried catching his breath.

"Hello?" Tony? What was Tony doing here? Now? It was six o'clock in the morning?

Right... His watch. The one that Tony gave him. If course he must've put Karen or Friday in it. Of course Tony had been told of his current situation.

There was a slight knock on there door and then it opened slowly. In looked Tony.

Peter sat on the floor, his head resting on the toilet seat beside his hand. It stank of vomit.

"Hey, kid.. How are you?" Tony crouched down beside him and petted his back with one hand as he flushed the toilet with the other.

"Not good." Peter answered, sounding like he tried to hold in vomit in his mouth for it not to spill.

"C'mon, lets get out of here." Tony slowly pulled up Peter from the floor and led him out to the car, holding his hand around his waist so he wouldn't trip over his own feet.
He opened the door to the front passenger seat and led Peter in.

Peter was so out of it. Isn't it embarrassing when Tony Stark has to come get you, basically lifting you into his car and then he pulls your seatbelt on because you're so dizzy and afraid you'll throw up in his, probably worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, sport car?

The way to the tower was short and silent, mostly because Tony didn't want to risk Peter throwing up if he started speaking and Peter tried holding everything inside of him on the whole way. This was such a good start of the day.

When Tony pulled up in his private parking garage, Peter had already fallen asleep in the seat beside him. He looked to tired, yet so peaceful. He snore as a little because of his yet to come cold that blocked his nose from sucking air in.

Tony shook his head. How did he manage to be a part of this? He then realized that this kid, this kid had become his. God, he was taking him home because of some stomach sickness.

He got out of the car and decided not to wake the poor boy up, so he instead lifted him up bridal style and carried him all the way to the big living room in the penthouse apartment. He lifted Peter down slowly and then pulled some blankets over him.
He then grabbed a glass of water and a bucket and placed them beside the sleeping boy on the couch.
He gave the kid a last smile and then turned the lights off, making the room a little darker and then settled to go down to the lab again.

A light pushed its way through Peters eyelids and made him open the eyes slowly. He blinked several times to clear his blurry vision.
It was bright outside, from where he was he could see the whole city being busy beneath him.
Peter remembered being busy yesterday with his homework and-..
Homework?! School!!?

Peter busted out of the couch and looked at his watch. *09:34*.
Why hadn't anyone woken him up?

A bubbly feeling spread across his stomach and he suddenly knew the answer to his question. He was sick.

Peter picked up the bucket placed beside his bed and let out the last food left in his stomach. He didn't want to eat anything more, it would only come up again.

"Hey, kid? Feeling any better?" Tony asked from the kitchen. Peter made his way slowly towards the voice after he pulled one of the blankets around him.

"No- I don't think I want to eat anything more today." He said and took a deep breath through his nose while sitting down at the kitchen island.

Tony was looking through a magazine filled with expensive watches while eating a peanut butter-jelly sandwich.

"Alright, well, you're free to do anything today, just don't go around and spread your virus on my employees or the business will sink and we can't afford that right now." Tony stood up and walked out of the kitchen and into the elevator, "I'll be in the lab if you need anything, or you can just ask Friday." Tony said before the elevator doors closed.

This is part one since I haven't even come to the good stuff ;,)

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