Chapter 24: The Reproof

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"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." ~ Aesop


We stopped by a roadside shop that sells hats of different kinds. I took one and wear it on my wife's head, I brought out my phone and snap a quick picture with her. We decided to sit down on an umbrella stand that was beside the Hat shop and ordered orange juice with lime toppings. My phone Vibrated.

I reach out for my phone in my pocket. "Hello, Padre. what happened? Did something occur in the company? I'll be back tomorrow.

"Don't worry about the company, Figlio. Lorenzo will be back tonight, he will take care of it. You and Gisella should enjoy yourselves for at least five more days, don't bother to come back,"

I was speechless as my eyes came in contact with Gisella's hazel eyes that were filled with concern. "Padre, Gisella has to go to work tomorrow,"

he yells on the phone, making me shift away from the phone. "What work? work is not that important as compared to your honeymoon." he hisses. "I got to go now, the parrot is getting chatty," he ended the call immediately. Gisella giggles at the way I frowned my face.


Our flight landed successfully and Alessandro and Zeta carried our luggage from the plane and drove us home safely. An Sms come on my phone from my old friend Maria Gracia.

Gisella, Tomorrow is our secondary school reunion for Scuola secondaria di secondo grado (Upper secondary school). also broadly known as Scuola Superiore, which corresponds to the high school level.

I sighed. How time runs fast, I have not seen anyone since graduation. I was naive and still naive and innocent then! I need to go to sleep, I still have to work tomorrow.


Walking along the street that leads to Barone company after taking the first bus because Nicolo left early and I refuse to allow Zia Benedetta drive me to work. I smiled at myself thinking about how warm-hearted Nicolo has become, It gives me the joy to know that I'm carrying his baby and the thought of how my mama reacted to our phone conversation when I told her that I'm pregnant with Nicolo's child. She was very happy and asked me if I love him. Yes, of course, I'm fucking in love with my husband for chrissake, my Papa was just rejoicing in the background saying that he's gonna be a grandpapa.

I was drawn out of my reverie when my eyes landed on Pietro who parked at the side of the company and sat at the bonnet cover of the car.

"Pietro?" I flinched. "Pietro? what are you doing here?"

The looks on Pietro's eyes where filled with anger and the sight of an agonizing mad man. He tugs my arm forcefully and put me in the front seat of the car. "Pietro, what are you doing?" I yelled at him in anger.

He turns and pins the door so that I can't come out. "Let me go, Let go of me Pietro," I bang the glass. I tried to open the door but it's locked. "Pietro, what are you doing? what do you want from me? I've to go to work"

He's acting in an Idiocy way that makes me get scared of him now. If Pietro makes one mistake, his career and my career will come to an Ignominious end, this is humiliating for chrissake

"I have asked for leave for you just now, so you needn't be worried about it,"

I hate him with all this behavior he is putting on now. "This is not about asking for a leave, Pietro, I am not going anywhere with you. let me out of this car this instance." I yelled at him furiously.

With a quick start, he started the car with a speed. "You're being all tough here Pietro, Don't force me to do what I don't like, so stop the fucking car now,"

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