Chapter 26: The Unacceptable

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Being right too soon is socially unacceptable. -Robert A. Heinlein


"Signor Moretti?" I called at Viola's father Luigi Moretti who was about climbing the stairs. The sparkles escaping his eyes where undescribable.

With a grinning smile. "Gisella, my dear, you're here," He walks up to me and hugs me.

"Gisella Caruso, you have the gots to come to this house?" Viola shouts from upstairs, her mama held her arm as they both walk down. "If it weren't for you, Pietro wouldn't have broken up with me. It's all your fault," she added with anger from her voice spreading in her mother's eyes.

Immediately, Viola mama tugs my arm angrily. "I knew you were up to no good, after all, we've done for you," She says. "I even invited you for dinner without knowing that you're the reason why our daughter has been locked up in her room crying,"

"And how is that her fault? she's happily married for chrissake," Signor Luigi sides me. I raised a confused eyebrow at Viola. "What is going on?" Signor questions.

Viola sniffs. "What else could be going on, Papa? Pietro broke up with me because of Gisella, " She started crying wither palm covering her face. "She is so shameless Mama, she keeps on wandering around Pietro every single day. She even booked an expensive hotel, the same with the one Pietro booked for his last trip,"

"But she-"

"Enough, Tesoro,"  Signora Moretti stops her husband from taking my side again. she turns to face me with graving hers. "Gisella, I am disappointed in you," She added.

Viola was just crying furiously. "Mama, Papa never for once trust me but he loves and trust Gisella who is not even related to our family." she cries heavily as Signora Moretti comforts her and hugs her slightly. "Mama, I will never forgive her,"

Signor Luigi looks at me with an apologia face. He was speechless and helpless at the same time.

"You're going to spend the night here and you will apologize to Viola," she yanks my arm and drag me to the room I usually stay anytime I visit them.

"Let me go, Signora," I cried as I tried to free my self from her tight grip. She drags me angrily on the floor, Signor Luigi was helpless and I understand why. Viola was just smiling at me wickedly. Oh dear lord, I didn't tell anyone that I was coming to the Moretti's not even my very own husband.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Signor Luigi yells but his wife did not budge for a second.

"Don't blame me, Tesoro, I can't believe that this little ungrateful Gisella has such a cold heart. After all, Viola has done for her since childhood, after all, we have done for her and her parents." she pushes me into the room and locks the door from the outside. I was furiously banging the door.

"What do you think that you're doing to her now, Caterina? do you even realize that she is no longer the Gisella Molinero we once order around and all? she is now Gisella Caruso, and what are you planning on doing by keeping someone else wife in captivity,"

She hisses and pants Viola's shoulders. "You know what I'll do now? I'll talk to Ludovia Caruso about this, for Nicolo to divorce Gisella after all his wife is supposed to be Viola in the first place, this is all because of Viola's foolishness,"

Signor Luigi flinched. "What the hell are you saying, Mia Cara? you don't have the right to do so, not even Ludovia,  have you taking leave of your senses?" he flames up.

"I want Nicolo to get married to Viola, period!" she hisses and walks away.

It has been almost fouthy-five minutes since Gisella has been locked in the room. She tried calling Nicolo, her parents, Alessandro, Zeta, and Zia Benedetta but the network service is really poor that she can't get to them.

They all will be worried now, most especially my husband. she thoughts.

Immediately, she received a message from Signor Luigi.

I'm very sorry Mia Cara, I couldn't do anything to help you out but don't worry, your husband will be here soon. I called him and told him everything that happens.

she sat upright seeing the message and a light of hope twinkles in her drowned eyes. Immediately, other messages came in, but this time, it was from Viola.

You should just wait a while to sign your divorce papers with Signor Nicolo, my mama is talking to Signora Ludovia Caruso on phone right now. I'm going to get married to the most handsome man in the whole of Italy.

She felt the pulse in her body quicken as different thoughts start running to and fro in her head.

Nicolo won't agree, right? will he?. she questions herself lying on the bed. "Ouch, my stomach hurts, I've not eaten anything since morning, " she complains as her head started dripping sweats.


Sitting happily on the couch, Viola picks up her phone and dialed Pietro's number.


She smiles. "Hello, Pietro. if I told you that I'm going to get married soon, will you ask me to stay?" she voiced out, trying to make Pietro jealous.

Pietro was immediately tensed. "With who?" he raises his voice uneasily.

"You see, my Mama wants Nicolo to divorce Gisella, for me to get married to him. So, she is bargaining with her on phone right now,"

"What?" he yells and hangs up.

A few minutes later

"Viola..." Pietro calls from the door stand as he runs to where Viola mama and Papa were sitting down. "Viola, I was wrong, will you come back to me? I've missed you so much, I don't want anyone to take you away from me, my love," he holds her hand caressing it.

The frown on Signora Caterina's face was priceless. "Viola, didn't you tell me and your Papa that you've broken up with Pietro?"

To make things better, Pietro sniffs at Viola's craving eyes. "Papa, Mama, please, we are so sorry. It was all a misunderstanding. Can i get your permission to get married to Viola? Please"

'Oh Goodness lord, he is proposing....' Viola muttered.

"If you all are done with your tiny proposing ceremony then you can bring my wife to me," The recognized Italian accent filled the room.

"Signor Nicolo Caruso?" everyone turns around as Signora Moretti's eyes were in shock. Viola was trembling by the looks of him.

"Viola and Caterina, all these problems are your faults, so you better solve them," Signor Luigi mouthed as he stands up and handshake Nicolo.

Nicolo's eyes were filled with fury. "Where is my wife?"

Signora Caterina walks to him with fears running in her eyes. "She...she is resting upstair, Signor Nicolo, you see, the Moretti's and the Caru-"

He furrows his eyes. "I said, where is my wife?" he repeats as he halts Signora Caterina's speech.

"You can see me?" she added.

"Yes, so, my wife?" he yells.  "Alessandro, go and look for her," he orders, Alessandro nods and walks upstairs. The Moretti's are still in shock.

From upstairs, Alessandro shouts. "Signorino, Mia Signora has fainted,"

"What?" everyone was in shock.

"We need to take her to the hospital right away Signorino," Alessandro spat angrily. Nicolo nods and Alessandro carried her out.

With furry eyes and grumpy intense voice. "If anything happens to Gisella and my child, I swear, I will ruin you all and Viola Most especially." he hisses and walks away.

"Child?" Caterina Moretti mumbles in fear.

"Gisella is pregnant and you treated her the way you just did?" Luigi Moretti shakes his heads. "He has recovered his sight. did you two know about this? Gisella with a child and Nicolo's sight?"

The fright that Nicolo Caruso inbuild in the Moretti's was indescribable. Viola was looking scared and so is her Mama.

"I wish I had listened to you, Tesoro," she mumbles.

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