Chapter 2

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"I'm guessing you all were really close?" Maria asks, a thin smile on her lips. My gaze shifts down to the floor, different memories of my friends over the course of the years running in my mind.

"Yeah. . . yeah, you can say that."

She clicks her pen open, holding the tip of the fine pen to the white sheet of paper. "Can you tell me a little bit about each person? I'd love to know how you all got so close."

I pick at the semi polish on my nails. "Um, is there a specific order I should do it in or something? I don't know how you may want to take your notes. . ." I gesture towards her book.

"Start with the twins, Kristen and. . . Hayden I believe? I feel you three have a strong friendship."


I scratch the side of my head, trying to find the words to describe them. To describe our friendship.

"They're the epitome of best friends. They overcame a lot. . . learning they were adopted was hard for them. That's honestly what brought us together, in a weird way."

"Why is that?" She questions.

"Like. . . kids would bully them for it, but they brushed it off. They've always had tough skin. I got bullied by this kid for being mixed or whatever, and Kristen came over and yelled in his face." I recall the memory from elementary school, a smile soon creeping on my face.

"I take it they defended you a lot? Stuck up for you?"
I nod my head in confirmation.

I haven't thought about that moment in years, so the fact it was so clear in my memory surprised me. I chew on the inside of my cheek slightly, thinking about more things I could say about them, before continuing on with the story.


"I'm back with guests!" I called into the house while pushing past the door, my voice echoing off the walls. "Anyone home?"

"Do you have chips?" Hayden asked, shrugging his jean jacket off. I opened my mouth, but closed it to see him already walking towards the kitchen.

"Do you have that dress?" Kristen randomly asked.

"Which dress? You leave half your junk here." I stated, my lips pulling into a smirk as she rolled her eyes.

"The blue maxi dress, smart ass."

"It should be in my closet, but don't be surprised if I already wore it." She tucked her hands into her back pockets and walked up the stairs, her ponytail bobbing up and down with each step.

I laughed to myself as I walked towards the kitchen, only to see Hayden leant against the counter with the family size bag of chips in his hand. The two couldn't be more different even if they tried.

Hayden always had his hair in two cornrows so he could pull it back into a small bun. He definitely has the bad boy look—skinny jeans, jean and leather jackets, solid color shirts and pants. He didn't act big and bad though. He's the easiest and corniest guy I've ever met.

Kristen is a different story. Her raven-black hair was at a medium length and had subtle maroon dyed tips. She's always in some kind of dress, no matter the weather. Unlike her brother, she'll break your arm in a heart beat—or at least threaten to do so. The main qualities they share include their round hazel eyes, caramel skin, and black hair.

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