07 | madly, crazily, deadly

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I can make the pain better

DIANA WAS AT THE park at 2 AM every day from then on.

She found a peacefulness in Luke's voice. She was enamored by his charm, hooked on his teasing jokes, obsessed with his smile. Under the haunted 2 AM air, she felt the pain lift from her shoulders.

By then, weeks had passed, and Diana lost herself in his presence. It was strange, but she seemed to seek validation from him. She told herself, as long as he liked her, she wasn't the monster she knew she was. As long as he believed her, her lies would one day become truth.

"Let's steal a car," she said one day as they lay on the soft grass. Her body hummed with excitement, "I'm feeling dangerous tonight."

After a moment of silence that made Diana feel like she said something wrong, Luke laughed, "You mean to tell me you've never stolen a car before?" He looked at her, his mischievous eyes guaranteeing nothing but trouble. He jumped to his feet and took her hand, pulling her up to meet his eyes, "Darling, you're in for a hell of a ride."

So they stole Aiden Miller's car, zipping down the vacant streets.

Diana got up and pulled herself to lean out of the car hood. Stretching her arms out, she let the wind beat against her body, melodic laughs escaping her lips. The air stripped away her worries, her fears, and her pain. She felt as if the world was at her feet, as if nothing could hurt her ever again.

Cupping her hands to her mouth, she yelled at the top of her lungs, releasing all the pent up anger that she had let control her, hearing them echo into the deserted streets that ran past her.

She felt fearless.

"You're insane," Luke laughed, one hand on the steering wheel. He gazed up at her with wonder struck eyes and for a moment, he saw her misty green eyes clear into an innocent, childlike mint green. Her dark hair fluttered against the wind, grazing the skin on her cheek as it danced wildly in the air. She smiled down at him.

"Aren't we all?"

2 A.M. Silence | ✓Where stories live. Discover now