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It was Monday and I was not looking forward to going to school, today I had two tests and both of them I was struggling to study for during the weekend. I had math and geography today. I was right now getting out of my car and heading into the school buildings while going through all the math formulas I had a problem with, as well as going through any important notes in geography. Next thing I know I was down on the floor and my books were scattered all around me on the floor.

I look up at who I bumped into but instantly regret it. Right in front of me stood two people that I despised the most; Vincent and Annabelle. I roll my eye and stand up from the floor while I finished picking up my books. I really didn't feel like talking to these two rags right now. I already have too much on my plate.

I quietly pick up my books while they just stare at me with an annoying smug look on their face. As soon as all my books are back in my hand I stand up straight and start to walk away from them but I didn't reach far because soon Annabelle's sharp claw like hands wrap around my hands and her long nails dig into my skin.

I wince at the pain and I try to pull my hand away but her hands were wrapped around my arm quite tightly. "What are you doing? Let go of my hand" I grit out.

"I told you to stay away from Blake, don't you understand simple English?" she spat.

"Okay listen up. Blake is my boyfriend, you can't boss me around by telling me to stay away from my own boyfriend" I roll my eyes.

"Plus don't you have other things to worry about, like—I don't know—maybe your exams?" I add

"Please, I'm smart enough. I don't need to waste my time on study some stupid subjects that I have no interest in. I want to me a model anyways" She says while letting go of my arm and flipping her red hair over her shoulder.

What? She wants to be a model? I mean...it's nothing bad but that doesn't mean that you should stop caring about school because after all if maybe her modeling career doesn't go as planned what would she turn to? She won't have a diploma to go to university which will stop her from getting a degree if she failed her exams.

But who am I to judge her? That's her choice, maybe she may become a great model. You never know.

"Listen bitch. I'm here to tell you that, you may be dating Blake right now but once he gets tired of you he'll dump you and come running back to me" she states.

"And you'll come crawling right back into my arms" Vincent steps in.

Where is Blake, Rose and Conner when I need them the most?

Like my prayers were answered I felt someone snake their arms around my waist.

"What's going on here? What are you guys doing here?" Blake spits out.

"Bye babe, see you later" Vincent says while he ignores Blake and pulls Annabelle away from us.

I feel Blake's hand tighten round my waist, I turn and come face to face with Blake Reynolds himself.

I look up at him and give him a small peck on his lips. "Are you okay? What were they talking to you about?" Blake says after he kisses me back.

"Oh it's nothing, just the usual lousy threats" I joke

"They still try to threaten you?" he asks

"Yeah, but I don't really pay that much attention to it" I say while I grab onto his hand and I pull him into the library

We had an hour or preparation before our first test started; we had our math test first then I had geography. Blake told me that he would help me out by brushing up on all the areas I had problems with in math. I really sometimes wonder how Blake is so good in math. He rarely comes to class and if he does he usually is on his phone so I never understand how he has no problem in any area in math.

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