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It was Friday and I had my last two tests today, I tried revising but my mind always drifted to Blake and What Rose has told me yesterday evening when I came back from that small date with Blake.

If that was even I date...I don't know if it was but I'll just go with the fact that it was a date.

I lazily walked into the examination room and took a seat at the very back of the class. I tried to memorise and cram all the important notes needed for this test and then I put my books in my bag when the invigilator told us to keep all our books away.

I sighed and hoped that this test was easy and that I didn't go blank when reading the questions.

That usually happens to me, I always revise for a test but once the paper is I front of me I tend to go blank.

An hour and a half passed and that was when the time was up and we were told to stop writing and put our pens down.

Surprisingly the exam wasn't that hard and I didn't go blank.

The teacher went around and took all the students test papers and then we were dismissed from our class.

I walked to the library but I stopped when I felt someone hands wrap around my waist from the back.

I turned around and I was met with the familiar electric blue eyes of non other than Blake Reynolds himself.

My heart started beating very fast against my rib cage, and my legs had become into jello.

He smiled and me and leaned in for a small kiss on the nose, forehead then lastly a soft and gentle kiss on the lips.

I kissed him back but quickly pulled away, I wasn't the type for PDA. I liked kissing him in public but I didn't like making out with him in public.

I would rather have that done in private rather than have everyone ogle at us as we kissed.

I gave him another quick peck on the lips then a small kiss on the tip of his nose.

"How was your test?" Blake asked.

"It was actually quite good, I thought I'll blank out or something mid test" I tell him.

"How was yours?" I ask

"It was good, it would have gone better but it wasn't bad" he shrugged.

"Let's go to the library to revise" I say and grab ahold of his hand and drag him to the library.

We reach the library and we picked a table to sit on, Blake sat opposite me and put his bag beside him on the ground.

He pulled out the books he needed to revise while I did the same too.

We both started to revise in silence but I kept on getting distracted because of dirty blond haired boy sitting opposite me.

My eyes automatically traveled to his beautifully structured face, then to his electric baby blue eyes that were concentrating on his book.

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