ten | time

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"Listen up, people. New year, new rules. Or — should I say — New Year, and we will be enforcing the rules mandated by the residency review committee."

"Well, this should be fun."

Meredith digs her elbow into my ribs forcefully while I attempt to keep my laughter hidden.

"There were too many mistakes made last year. Fatigue played too big a role. Exceeding eighty hours of work per week will not be tolerated."

"Is he expecting us to get a social life?" My hands press against the sides of my hips. "On such short notice?"

"Sullivan, you were on-call for 28 hours. Leave when you hit 30. Grey, Phoenix, you two were here past two in the morning last night. See you tomorrow at noon."

"We get to go? Free time?"

"Let's make a run for it before he changes his mind."

The two of us walk past the group of attendings, residents, interns, and nurses to wherever we please since we don't have to work until tomorrow.

I curl my arm around hers. "We can finally go to Starbucks before a shift instead of settling for the cafeteria coffee."

"Or we can go to Joe's."

"There's this new café I've been wanting to try, but it opens an hour after morning rounds." I tap my fingers against her forearm.

"There's always Joe's."

"I'm sensing you want to go to Joe's."

"Can we go to Joe's?"

Mockingly, I roll my eyes. She claps her hands together before releasing herself from my hold. We change out of our scrubs and grab our things from the locker room before heading out.

The elevator doors slide open, revealing two nurses and Dr. Shepherd. The nurses step off the lift, leaving us along with the attending.

He lifts his head up, his stare falling on me instantly.

"Leven. Hi."

"Morning, Dr. Shepherd."

"Meredith. Hello."


The three of us are left in a silently awkward atmosphere, not knowing what else to say to each other.

"You're leaving already?" He rolls the newspaper.

"We've surpassed our eighty-hour limit." I count down the floor level in my head. "You?"

"My surgery was postponed." He replies quickly. "And you?"

A pinkish blush spreads up my neck and cheeks. "You already asked me that."

He allows his gaze to roam free across my figure, clearly not ashamed by the presence of his ex-one-night-stand.

"How's Scar doing?" To ease the tension, Meredith clears her throat.

"Oh, he's absolutely great. Thanks for asking." I beam brightly. "But he better stop growing because I'll need a new apartment soon."

"You should bring him to the house." She suggests.

"Scar? Is he your —"

"Dog. He's my dog."

"You have a dog? Oh, you know what? I love dogs."

"Mm. That's nice."

Finally, after what feels like eternity, the elevator doors open to the very bottom floor. Only a certain red-headed woman stands on the other side.

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