fourteen | forgot

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"You realize how stupid that was."

"It was, Mer. Incredibly stupid."

"What were you thinking, huh?"

Meredith snaps her head towards me, a stern expression on her face. All the while, Cristina pumps the ambu bag.

Dylan Young, whom we've grown quite close to, finishes strapping the bomb vest around Meredith, which is mostly there for false hope than actual protection.

Burke forces a reluctant Cristina out of the O.R., and she only agrees when Meredith and I assure her. Once she leaves, I take over with the bag.

"Phoenix." Burke stops beside me. "Your father called."

"What is this, the third grade?" A scoff releases under my breath.

"He wants to know if you've taken your pills."

My body freezes in shock.

"What pills is he talking about?"

"Dr. Burke —"

"I asked her, Grey. Not you."

The back of my throat constricts just as I open my mouth. "I. . .they're for my illnesses. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and C.O.P.D.."

"For God's sake, Phoenix. . ."

"Look, it's okay if I skip a dose, Dr. Burke." My lips part, and a breath escapes. "It's not like I'm gonna. . .oh."

Unlike daily vitamins, skipping a dose can cost me my life.

"You have to leave, too."

"Don't make me."


I catch Meredith's glance and see her nod once.


A light sniffle tickles my nose, and I slowly walk towards the door. My fingers clutch the handle, and I leave.

I'm met with Cristina standing just outside the door, the same look of shock and fear expressing her face.

"He kicked you out, too?"

"I forgot to take a dose."

Her gaze shifts to lock with mine, and tears instinctively prick my eyes. My hand rips off the mask over my mouth while I chew the inside of my cheek.

"She won't die, will she? Because she can't."

I walk through the rest of the hall, silently eating a candy bar before having to take the two pills. The rest of the O.R.s have been evacuated, but I notice the light still turned on in one of them.

A body lays across the table, while a surgeon works on the head.

Dr. Shepherd.

"This area has been evacuated."

"Then, why are you here?"

He looks up at me, recognizing my voice in an instance. "I have to be here, Leven. You don't."

"I have to." A shaky sigh slips from my lips.


"I have to, Derek."

Paired with the stillness of the room, I feel as if time has stopped. . .every moment I've shared alone with Dr. Shepherd. . .doesn't compare to this.

"You're all alone in here, D-Derek." My voice shakes from the use of his first name. "You and I, we're in need of company."

The surgical gown sits wide over my shoulders since no one else is around to tie me up.

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