C H A P T E R. ➏ : dance scene 2

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You never know what

  battles they're fighting.


Entering the dance with my arm laced in Ace's was a whole other experience, something magical. I couldn't help flashing a beaming smile, and for the first time in a long while, I wanted to be seen.

I suddenly perceived things I had never had the first time I entered : the delicate rose petals elegantly displayed on the floor and tables and the glass shards of the chandelier projecting fragments of lights. 

" Elyse,I need to talk to Adrien." Ace said after a while.

" It's ok, go ahead." I responded, hoping I didn't sound too disappointed. I shouldn't be selfish, Ace had been with me for an hour now, he could go talk to his friends now.

He stared at me confused. " Are you coming?"

" You mean, to talk to Adrian Darkwell?" I asked in belwitherment. Was he serious?

He shrugged his shoulders, " Yes, why not?"

I smiled broadly and we started to head over to Adrian, who was sitting surrounded by a bunch of people, with a bored expression. His face lit up when he saw Ace heading towards him, but glared at me when he caught my eye.

" Hey." Ace said to him, but he waved him off distractingly.

" Who is this?" He said, shooting daggers with his eyes at me.

" Elyse Huxley, pleasure to meet you." I responded while trying my best to sound as polite possible but his attention had already shifted somewhere else. I sighed.

" And you?" I asked him, trying to hide the annoyance in my voice.

" You already know." He responded vaguely.

" No I don't." I said innocently. " Is he Alex or Arthur? Maybe Andrew?"

" Adrien." He seethed.

" Did you know that Adrian means the dark one?" I remarked. I once read a book where a guy changes his name to that after a brutal accident.

" Interesting." He said coyly and his eyes flickered at me. I felt my cheeks heat up immediately.

After a while, Ace started chatting with Adrian and I felt like a third wheel, so I eventually left. I just wandered around, letting my gaze dance along, seeing many couples glide together on the dance floor. 

" Hey, you!" I heard someone call out. I spun around, mortified as I saw him. Tristan.

" Back the hell away from me, douche!" I huffed, crossing my arms on my chest. 

" Come on, doll, we're supposed to go to the dance together, don't give me attitude." He chided.

" I'm giving you attitude?" I fumed. How dare he? " You know what, just go and dance with that girl from earlier."

" Aria? You're joking." 

Ugh, his whole act was making my head spin.

" Why did you invite me if you were going to go and flirt all night?" I exasperated, feeling sad all over again.

"Listen, I don't know what y-"

He was interrupted by a girl who climbed her arm over his shoulder and dissolved into laughter. Her.The girl from earlier. Did she mind?

" Hey there." He said and kissed her softly on the cheek. I cringed in disgust.

I couldn't take it no more.

" That's it I'm out of here." I  tarted to turn away but he held me back. I tried to push him off but he held me tight.

" What now?" He questioned. Seriously? He's unbelievable.

" You're kidding, right? You just kissed someone in fro not of me, for fuck's sake!" 

He gave me an oscar winning performance of I don't know what you're talking about.

" Listen if you like her, then it's fine by me." I bitterly admitted.

" What do you mean? Aria's my sister!" He proclaimed.

Wait, what? His sister? I felt myself blush crimson. I judged him to quickly, ugh!

" I-I can't, I m-mean..." I stuttered, my palms sweaty.

They both smiled at me as I noticed they shared a dimple on their left cheek. I suddenly noticed a bunch of other similarities, like the fact that one of their eyebrows lift when they are confused, the same eye colour. How was I so blind?

" Wait, you thought-" Tristan said, sincere hurt in his eyes.

" No, no, no!" I interjected, knowing what he was going to say. " I was just confused, that's all."

He cautiously trusted me, as I felt relief rush over me. Maybe Tristan wasn't such a bad guy after all.

The music stopped as an announcement was made.

" Dear students of Trinity-Kingsburry," the voice announced. " This is the final dance of the evening, please make way to the dance floor."

Everyone ran over to get their partners hurriedly. I can't believe I missed half the dance crying, the other half with Ace. I smiled at that thought.

" Elyse Huxley," Tristan said, slightly bowing, jeeringly taking my hand. " May I have the honour?"

I suppressed a smile and he led me to the dance floor. The music began : a beautiul slow waltz as I felt his hands on my waist, letting him sway me away.


Hi everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter.😁

Who is your favourite king so far, Adrian, Tristan or Ace?

Well see you in the next chapter!


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