C H A P T E R . ➐ : biology

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Life isn't about discovering

     It's about creating.


The next week after the dance flew by, and everything went back to reality. Like when Cinderella's clock stricked twelve, the magic was over. Now I was just like everyone else, peering at the kings, wondering what their world was about.

I quickly dried my hair in the gym locker room, a couple of wet locks falling, and ran to my next class : Biology. I didn't get lost anymore like on the first day, the school was actually shaped in the form of an '' H ''.

I walked into the class and sat at my usual space, not the complete back but on row before. Max took his usual seat next to me.

'' Hello, Elly.'' He greeted while he  slumped onto his seat, dropping his backpack.

'' Hey Max, welcome to week 2's torture session.'' I joked around as we shared a laugh. We had named the three worst classes that : Biology, Physics and Calculus. It was our own little private joke.

Before he had the chance to respond, our teacher walked into the room and declared,

'' Hello class,'' she said as the students mumbled it back unenthusiastically, '' Today we will be working on our first group project of the year, starting our course on astrology.''

Hushed whispers filled the room as she started passing the papers,

'' The project shall be devided into groups of two.'' She continued as I crossed my fingers and hoped to be with Max for once. '' Ms. Lucy and Ms. Rachelle. Mr. Shane and Ms. Ivy. Mr. Maximillian and Ms. Susanne.''

She continued as I groaned.

'' Such a shame I'm not with you Elly.'' Max countered.

'' Yeah right, I bet you're pumped to be with Susanne.'' I joked as he chuckled.

'' Ok, maybe a little.'' He admited.

'' Mr. Adrian,''My ears perked up. If I couldn't be with Max, at least him. '' and Ms. Tiffany. '' I sighed as she looked like she would explode of joy while most girls looked at her envyingly. 

'' That is all.'' Mrs. Chance concluded.

Hun? What about me? I began to wonder if she called my name and I didn't hear it, but I was pretty attentive. I raised my hand timidly.

'' Mrs. Chance, I think you forgot me.'' I said in as she raised her eyebrow suspiciously.

'' What is your name again?'' I sighed. It's only been nearly two I'm in your class,  I thought sarcastically.

'' Mademoiselle Elyse Huxley.'' Max chipped in as I playfully nudged him.

'' You aren't on my list Ms. Huxley. Perhaps if I made a group of three... ''

Yes! I can be with Max. I did a tiny victory punch in the air. Maybe Biology won't be that bad after all.

'' I could be with Ma-'' 

'' You will join Ms. Tiffany.'' She interjected sharply. I slouched, discouraged, on my seat as Tiffany shot me a death stare for being in the way of her and Adrian's love fest. Just fabulous.

Max tried to say it wasn't that bad and that I was paired with a king, but he forgot to mention a viper in my team as well.

The lesson went on, as Mrs. Chance started talking on and on, losing me at 28% of helium. The bell eventually rang and Tiffany immediately sprinted to Adrian's desk.

'' Hi Adrian.'' She said in a voice that was sickly sweet. '' Do you want to meet up at my dorm today to get started on our project?''

He shrugged, unbothered by her as she enthousiastically dug a piece of paper out of her bag with her address on it and gave it to him. I swear I saw hearts on it. Adrian, on the contrary, didn't even glance at the paper.

'' What about me?'' I asked and she pretended to ignore me, smiling kindly at Adrian.

'' Take mine.'' He said as he gave me his paper and stood up and left. I guess he didn't have time for this. Tiffany looked crushed and took her stuff disappointingly.

'' Don't worry, our project will blow them away!'' I encouraged, trying to cheer her up.

'' Listen Elisha or whatever.'' She menaced, her voice laced with venom. What happened to the sweet girl from 3 seconds ago? ''This project is mine and Adrians. So do us a favour and don't show today.''

I scoffed. Was she serious? '' Excuse me, bitch, I'm here to have a good grade, not to follow Adrian like a puppy. So do us a favour and yap somewhere else.''

I grabbed my bag and catwalked out, leaving her flabbergasted. Some nerve she had to threaten me! I glanced at the paper, crumpled in my hand.

My dorm, number 203. I can't wait to see you, we're going to get so much '' work'' done. ♡♡♡

Tiffany xoxo

I stifled a laugh, oh my god that was sad. I tried to imagine Adrian's reaction if he saw it. I crumpled it up into a ball and shot it at the nearest trash.


When the final bell rang, I groaned as I remembered I had to go work on science with Tiffany. For a second I debated not going, not because she told me to but because I don't think I can stand an hour of her batting her eyelashes. 

I was walking out of school when I saw Adrian in a corner, tapping something on his phone. I ran up to him and asked if he was coming,

'' Hey there.'' I said casually as he didn't even bother to answer.

'' So are you going to Tiffany's for the project?'' I pressed, trying to hide the irritation in my voice. Put away the damn phone! I thought to myself.

After a couple of seconds, he put the phone in his pocket and turned to me,

'' Want to go to the arcade?'' He asked easily.

I stared at him in shock. As much as I wanted to say yes,

'' What about Tiffany?'' I managed to say. She was, yes, a She-devil, but ditching her is just wrong.

'' What about her?'' He said simply. When he noticed my hesitation, he added, '' We didn't say we'd even come.''

He has a point, and even though the good inside me is yelling at me not to go, another part was drawn to his mysterious side.

'' Do what you want.'' He finally said and walked away.

And I followed.


Hi! 👋 

So far, how's Adrian to your eyes?

Was what Elyse did wrong, and would've you done the same?

Next chapter is one click away! :)


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