|14|Two Down|

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From Team Villains: Kaminari is Pheon, Sato is Mega, Falcon is Shoda, Iterator is Shoji, Laser is Tokoyami and
Honenuki is Rabbit.

From Team Heroes: Zero is Bakugou.


Meanwhile as the Heroes were stuck with the fake nuke, the Villains were ready for their next move. Or maybe their next moves.

On their way to the backside of the bank building of Ground Beta were; Kaminari, Sato, Honenuki and Monoma. Once reached their destination — the back of the bank — they started to put the plan in action. First part of the plan was something they considered using only when necessary. Brute force.

Sato consumed about five grams of sugar from one of the small containers in his costume's belt and activated his quirk. He punched the wall a couple of times before it broke down making an easy entrance for the Villains. The four boys moved in and scattered off in further groups of two. Sato with Honenuki and Kaminari with Monoma. Kaminari and Monoma to the group of three Heroes while Sato and Honenuki to the objective.


"Falcon, what's the situation?" Midoriya asked as he neared the grey haired boy who was currently on the computer.

"We've successfully made a proper map of Hero Team's base. I've marked the quarters with green, the control room with blue and the Leader's room with red. The objective is marked with black. Hopefully, we've secured everything here. May I turn off the camera on Bondo?" Shoda asked as he took out a print of the map.

"Of course you can. He's no use to us anymore." Midoriya replied as he took a look at the map that was just printed out. While Shoda pressed a few buttons, resulting in the self-destruction of the tiny camera on Bondo's shoulder.

"Do you really think it would work? I mean... I'm not saying that it won't!! But still do you think that they'll really... Fall for this?" Shoda asked, hesitating a little.

"Don't you worry about that. They aren't able to tell the difference between us so far. Considering that, they will fall for it. So, stop worrying and get to the next objective. The Heroes are distracted right now." Midoriya replied as he grabbed something white-coloured from a nearby table.

"A-Alright!" Shoda said as he walked out of the room.


It didn't take Kaminari and Monoma a long time to find the Heroes hiding behind a wall, assumingly they had already evacuated the building and now they were figuring out how to get pass the nuke and get to the objective. And their job was to hold them down. Unfortunately, Bakugou was on the peak of his anger and wouldn't go back without taking down some Villains. Only thing left to see was how he would play it out.

Kaminari was the first one to move but his foolish self gave the Heroes a chance. He accidentally made a noise by hitting his arm on on of the black metal poles which gave Bakugou a sign of their presence and he didn't hesitate about the nuke but came out with an explosion ready.

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