Large-scale Attack

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"The NOC list?" Rei turned his attention away from the papers he was showing Shuichi earlier and looked up at him.

"Of course, the CIA refused to allow her to access the NOC list. However, there is something going on with the NOCs."

"As you can see I'm well and alive. The NOCs in the organisation are still fine." Rei raised his arms up.

"If I recall, you also requested to see the NOC list. Coincidence?"

"Like I said before, what are you trying to say."

Unexpectedly, Shuichi dropped the topic and focused back on their previous conversation.

16th July
The PSB meeting room,

The same group of people appeared again, however with Kazami being the presenter. Bourbon had business to do with the Black Organisation.

Since Shuichi had been through the presentation yesterday, the general questions that would be asked are highlighted into his presentation. It was short and informative.

An emergency call caused Kazami to excuse himself out of the room when he was near the end of his presentation, and he came back into the room looking even more stern, serious than before.

"I apologise for the sudden change, but there is something more important. Furuya-san had sent in a report on the Black Organisation move, occurring in a week's time."

A wave of chatter started, as some officers started to talk to each other. They zipped their mouth when Kazami continued to talk.

The detailed report was shown on the screen, clearly stating the information that they need to counter them.

The operation was to attack the royal family of Japan and capture the king, Naruhito. Afterward, Vermouth would be disguising as the King, using the power of the royal family in their dirty work.

The actions the organisation planned to take were also there, including the codename and location where each alcohol member would strike from. It was so detailed, that the FBI and the PSB immediately started to scratch up a plan. And the meeting ended with a perfect plan to counter the Black Organisation.

23th July 2019

All the officers were in position, even high ranking officers from other department were brought in for numbers and hid in the palace. The FBI agents were the second wave, attacking the members from behind.

A long battle full of bloodshed started when the time came, as they fought against the organisation members who came in like they expected. However they still didn't succeed in throwing them off-guard. The FBI joined in, flanking the organisation members. Gin ordered a retreat and all the organisation members scrambled out of the palace, knowing that they had failed. The PSB and FBI seemed to had succeed in protecting the king, at the cost of an officer's life and many others were injured.

Bourbon played a minor role in this battle, as he hid in the other palace building and gave the organisation information on the location and number of officers on scene.

During the bloodshed, a sudden tiredness rushed over Bourbon as his head fell onto his keyboard, where he was typing a moment ago. Another man wearing a mask, carrying a large guitar bag walked into the room, looking over at Bourbon. He lays the guitar case on the floor and open up, taking out a thick rope which lies inside the case. The ropes were quickly and skilfully tied against Bourbon, as his arms and legs were tied together. The man held up Bourbon by his neck and behind his knee, and placed him into the guitar case which he was able fit him in.

Zipping up the bag, he carried the bag and left the scene, and left while the war was still continuing in the palace.

24th July 2019
PSB Office,

A small celebration was held with the FBI for the success in protecting the king, as well as the defeat in one of the Black Organisation plans.

A funeral was also held later in the day for the superintendent who passed away in the fight, snipped by a sniper. The superintendent was quite well known, especially for his strong stand of justice and the work he assisted against the Black Organisation.

While the celebration was generally nice and happy, the sense of distrust and worry is still there. Since the operation, Furuya Rei had gone missing. He could not be reached and had not contacted them either. Akai Shuichi also failed to show up in this celebration, for no apparent reason. However, he was confirmed to be fine.

In Kudo's Mansion, basement,

Bourbon was hands were gently tied up on the soft and gentle bed, unlike what is expected of a prisoner. The ropes on his arms were so gently tied, it would not take much effort for Bourbon to break out of and escape.

Bourbon start to squint his eyes as they adjusted to the bright room that he woke up in, a smell of cigarette lingers in the room. Akai Shuichi was sitting on a chair next to the bed, next to Bourbon, sleeping.

Bourbon tried to move slightly as the position was starting to tire out his muscles. With the gentle ruffle of the bedsheets, the green eyes opened, and Shuichi was now watching Bourbon.

"Look like you woke up."

"What do you think you're doing, FBI?" Bourbon barked at Shuichi. "An FBI kidnapping a PSB officer, the consequences would be unthinkable."

"Oh... But you are not an PSB officer right, Bourbon?" Bourbon continues to wiggle on the bed, untying the rope.

"Now what are you saying-..." Bourbon was cut off halfway.

"You can stop acting now. You aren't Furuya Rei. The real Furuya Rei would have been infuriated when Scotch is mentioned." Shuichi declared, while staring at Bourbon undoing the knots.

As expected, Bourbon quickly got out of the ropes and ran towards Shuichi with a fist. Shuichi quickly went into his fighting stance and blocked Bourbon's attack. Without the weight of his rifle holding him back, he was able to quickly defeat Bourbon in the fight and pin him down against the bed.

"Do you remember Scotch?"

Espionage (Furuya Rei/Amuro Tooru/Bourbon x Akai Shuichi/Okiya Subaru) [DROPPED]Where stories live. Discover now