Aptitude Test

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Ashleigh's POV

I stood at the gates of the school today I would be taking the test to see where I belong because honestly I don't know .

Am I honest like a Candor ? Probably not

Kind like Amity ? To a extent

Smart like Erudite ? Maybe

Selfless like the Abnegation ? Again to a extent

Brave like the Dauntless? I can see that .

I'd always liked the idea of Dauntless some people say they are crazy and they probably are but they looked fun and free . I wanted to feel free .

I currently lived in Abnegation with my father he was on the council . Marcus Eaton was his name . He didn't deserve his spot on the council and he wouldn't be on it if they knew what he did to his children .

My brother Tobias transferred to Dauntless two years ago and I can't say I blame him because no matter what the test says I refuse to stay in Abnegation with my father .


I sat waiting for my turn to take the test .

The door then opened to the room opposite me to reveal a slightly discomfort looking Beatrice Prior .

I nodded her way out of politeness before entering the room my self .

The woman taking my test was a Dauntless women .

"I asked the girl before but she didn't seem to know so what is it with the Abnegation and mirrors"

"Apparently looking at ourselves in the mirror for too long is thinking about ourselves too much . I usually do it anyway though ."

"Sit down"

I sat down in the chair .

"I'm Tori I'll be taking your test and you will have multiple choices and whatever you choose with define what faction you belong in . I wouldn't sweat it 95 percent get there faction of there origin . Drink up"

I looked at the blue liquid she gave me .

"What's this?"
I replied.

"Your test now drink up"

I drunk the test then opened my eyes too see I was still in the same room in the same chair but there was no Tori and there happened to be mirrors surrounding me .

I then saw a replica of myself who then spoke


I asked not choosing.


I heard a aggressive snarl and turned to see a dog that didn't look tame in the slightest . I turned around to grab the meat but saw the plates were now empty .

The dog came charging at me . I remembered something I once read in a erudite text book In school about how if someone sinks to the ground then the dog won't see you as a threat and won't attack . So I did just that .

I opened my eyes to see a puppy clearly wanting my attention . I stroked the puppies head and smiled .


I looked up to see a young girl that looked strikingly similar to me in Abnegation clothes but she was younger than me .

The puppy was once again a snarling dog which chased after the young girl who fled .

My eyes widened after I chased after them before tackling the dog to the ground .

I woke up back in the room with Tori right in front of me .

"Another . Now get up we will leave out of the back door before a supervisor comes"

"What was my results and what do you mean another ?"

"Your going to tell your family that the serum made you sick and I sent you home and by another I mean you wasn't the only one with these results"

"What result did I get ?"


"What's So bad about that ?"

"And Amity and Erudite"

"How's that even possible ?"

"It means your Divergent . You can't tell anyone about this not even your family"

Tori said before ushering me out of the door .

I wonder who else got Divergent . I felt my stomach churn as I remembered how Divergents we're viewed as dangerous.


"What was your result ?"
My father asked .

I hid my frown . How I hated him .

"They sent me home sick"

"Don't lie"

"I'm not a Candor so it doesn't matter"

I then felt that wretched belt whack across my back three times . I kept my hands clenched . At least I would be leaving this place at the choosing ceremony tommorow but those belt marks were definitely going to scar .

Chapter 1 is finished and I promise we will be seeing Eric soon .

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