Stand In Front Of The Target

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Ashleigh's POV

After the whole Christina and chasm ordeal Eric decided that we was going to be knife throwing .

I kept getting the target each time , everyone else was doing relatively good at it aswell except for Al he was missing the target every time by a lot .

I felt bad for Al knowing that he wasn't the best at the activities we had to do to pass this stage of initiation and that he was near the bottom of the board .

"Well that was pathetic"
I heard Eric say to Al as another one of Al's knives missed the target .

I rolled my eyes at Eric's words not understanding why he had to be so cruel to people all the time .

"It slipped"
Al replied nervously.

"Well go and get it"
Eric shouted .

"What ? Well there throwing ?"

"Are you afraid ?"

"Of getting stabbed by a airbourne knife ? Yeah"

"Everybody stop"

I already knew this wasn't going to be good because of what Eric Did to Christina earlier .

Eric seemed to be in a worse mood than usual today so that's just another reason to not look forward to my 'punishment' later tonight .

"Stand in front of the target"

I watched as Al hesitantly made his way towards the front of the target which Eric was forcing him to stand under .

"Four give me a hand here . You're going to stand here whilst he throws those knives"

I knew Tobias wouldn't want to do this but it's not like he had a choice either .

"And if I see you flinch you're out"
Eric continued .

"You're crazy"
I muttered hoping Eric didn't hear me .

Unfortunately for me he heard and was currently shooting me one of his venomous glares . I would surely be hearing about this later tonight .

"Stop ! Anyone can stand in front of a target it doesn't prove anything"
Tris stated .

"Well then it should be easy for you to take his place"

Tris and Al swapped places and I knew for a fact Tobias wouldn't want to hurt Tris .

Tobias threw a knife which purposely missed Tris before he threw another which landed closer to Tris near her head .

"You can do better than that"

"You want me to give her a little trim ?"
Tobias asked

"Yeah maybe just a little of the top"

The knife slightly cut Tris's ear causing it to draw blood but I aswell as Tobias knew Eric wouldn't let her go without blood been drawn .

"Points for bravery stiff but not as many as you just lost for opening your mouth"

𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙛 {𝙀𝙧𝙞𝙘 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧}Where stories live. Discover now