Fox, Falco, Wolf, Bill: short s/o

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Requested by who gave me something to do this week other than emulation :)


Fox McCloud

- Will gladly give a short s/o piggyback rides for your enjoyment

- He tries his darndest to treat his s/o how he would anyone else, but your short person struggles are amusing to witness

- But even if it is fun to watch now and again, anytime his s/o has a problem with reaching something or of the sorts, he'll gladly go over and grab whatever it is you need

- If he's feeling a little daft, sometimes he'll get down just to nuzzle his s/o

- Contrary to a tall or average height s/o, Fox is completely fine with his s/o laying on top of him in bed, or just sprawling out in general- since your so short you dont weigh as much as someone who's taller and therefore he wont get the air swept out of him

- He can sometimes get a bit too distracted by your height though, and treat his s/o like a child (he's trying here, but he cant always help but to coddle his s/o a bit whether or not your capable of doing things on your own)

- Very wholesome overall with a short s/o!

- He's wiling to help you with anything that might be a problem for you- while also not being rude about it

- (minus that one time he jokingly stated he was gonna replace the seat of your Arwing with a baby seat, thats when he really learned his lesson)


Falco Lombardi

- He's the tallest in the team, so he's used to seeing everyone around him as short

- But if you give him a s/o whos nearly as short as Slippy (even if they are a little taller), then its tease central

- Will do everything in the book; putting things in high places he knows you cant reach, only to pick you up so you can grab it- dangling things just barely out of reach for you, he finds it entertaining and the pouty face his s/o gives is priceless to him

- He'll do it often, mostly because he knows that your aware he's only playing

- But if you ask sincrely enough he'll tune it down a little bit for you (and your sanitys) sake

- If he's in a good mood, he'll sometimes let his s/o sit on his lap (mostly so he can brush his feathers around his s/o's face just to irritate them a little)

- If he hasnt lost his temper, he can and probably will instantly stop an argument by either crouching down and giving his s/o a peck on the head (and try his best to not hurt you in the process), or carefully  lift you up so you'll stop talking

- And, if his s/o also has an attitude like himself, chances are he'll make a quick comment about you just to see the expression on your face

- Will also refrain from kissing his s/o just so that he can have them try and tug him down by the jacket (until he eventually gives in anyways)

- All in all he likes teasing his s/o, but its just one of his stranger ways of showing he loves them


Wolf O'donnel

- He's pretty tall himself lets just put that out there first

- So if he's got a short s/o though, prepare for trouble

- Likes to make small remarks about his s/o's height for fun

- He also likes to give them 'little' nicknames, usually in relation to there height as well (etc; Little Angel, Tadpole)

- If you both happen to be alone, he'll hold his s/o close to his chest and just hug them

- Occasionally he'll catch himself treating his s/o like a flower thanks to how short they are

- Despite that though, Wolf doesnt underestimate your ability to beat the daylights out of anyone who calls you up on it though, short or not

- Mostly due to the unnerving stare that you always seem to manage scaring people with (Including himself sometimes, but he finds it quite cute)

- Similar to Peppy, he reaally likes messing up the fur (if you have any) on his s/o's head

- Will also occasionally humor himself by taking some of his s/o's things and holding them out of reach, it makes him cackle every time

- He doesnt just take objects though, if you let your guard down long enough he'll steal kisses too- or at the least tease you to try and kiss him as he stands at his full height

- If he's acting like this your gonna be needing to do some serious acrobatics to get to his face

- And he'll enjoy every minute of it
Bill Grey

- He'll treat you as if you were his height, aside from some minor teasing

- Bill is quite short himself (compared to others), but having a short s/o is a welcome surprise

- Though it wouldn't really matter to him how tall or short you are! He loves his s/o the way they are- tall, short, or the same height

- Will quietly chuckle as you struggle to reach things higher up though, he finds it adorable (he wont let you know that though)

- Like Fox (and if he's not so busy), you might even get a quick lift from him purely for your enjoyment (and his amusement)

- Will occasionally also crouch down to give his s/o pecks on the forehead as well

- Compared to a taller s/o though, or a s/o of average height, he'll be more gentle with a short s/o (which is the only difference between how he'd treat his s/o)

- May or may not be a little nervous about either hurting his s/o, or his s/o getting hurt; he'll sometimes think people will be more prone to attacking someone of your stature

- He tries his best to push away those thoughts, and be more confident in your skills though
Aw yeah im feeling pumped :D!

Feels good to have something to do-

Sometimes I just imagine Falco and Leon as Texas and Alaska-

Texas was busy being the biggest state and towering everything else and then Alaska walks in being like 2x bigger than it

Note: I meant to publish this on Monday but I couldn't help myself T-T

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