Good Falco Drabbling Hours :)

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Tis' Falco only hours, given to you by CreativeNerd uwu. 

Obviously Falco is a good, tsun, (sometimes) cocky ass motherfuckin boi. So we're giving him solo time here. Yeeeeeeee. c:

SpaceWeirdoXD may enjoy this too, so have the pleasure of having an @ at whatever time you happen to run by <3

I'll gladly do the others if anyone likes this one :D!


- He has a habit of being a bit rude to you at random times- now this isn't exactly a quirk, but more so due to the fact that he isn't sure how to project his feelings towards his s/o. But if you can manage to guide him and break down the walls, he is actually quite affectionate.

- Speaking of affection, as a bird- he does... Well, stuff birds do. So occasionally, (usually just instinctively) So on occasion, Falco will attempt to preen his s/o. This is usually just cleaning a birds feathers- but it is also a sign of affection towards a significant other among birds- so expect him to accidentally do it. Even if your not a bird- it's just one of the ways he shows he loves you. Sorry about the beak.

- Speaking of instincts, with a s/o (and with plenty of time), you may often find him 'crowding' around you. Usually in the form of leaning, holding, hugging, carrying, or any other kind of physical contact. This is once again both an instinct and affection based- and one he will most commonly do. He becomes much more sociable with his s/o in the long run- and he slowly begins trusting you the most (next to Fox, that is). If he's happy enough, you will likely hear a kind of 'purring' coming from him- similar to that of a cat's purr or a normal persons (humans) humming.

- Falco finds a bit of disdain when you tag along on missions as soon as you two become 'a thing'. Usually because he's a bit conscious he might not be able to help you if something goes awry. Speaking that a certain G-Diffuser always goes awry when he's trying to fly. It isn't any better when your friendly neighborhood Starwolf decides to drop in, either. So in flight or combat it won't be a surprise if he's at least within your own Arwings range. He can become quite viciously protective in combat- and he does not plan on watching or letting you die. 

- Speaking of, if the situation feels under control (or he's just having a good time per se), he may become quite Flamboyant in his Arwings movements from daring dives and intricate flight patterns. This seems like another way of showing off, but it's actually another thing related to his species (or he's actually just showing off). Though he himself isn't flying, he at least is flying in something he controls. Not to mention its an interesting way to befuddle the enemy fighters. But if he happens to be alone with his s/o, he may sometimes take an opportunity or two to dance with them. This one is more affectionate than just species related (although he does find dancing with a significant other to be an important thing), and he enjoys the solace with it just being the two of you instead of the constant yelling going on otherwise. He may get a bit daring with his moves, though- you may want to hope you know how to stay on your feet and not yelp when your lifted into the air.

- In relation to this topic- specifically music...Well surprisingly enough, he seems to fancy older songs. Oldies to be exact; surprising, I know. But Falco seems to enjoy the fizz and pop of the notes and the white noise of the static that will sometimes come through thanks to age. It gives an odd sense of peace to him, personally. Though he can't snap his feathers, it isn't surprising if you catch him tapping his boots to the music. Maybe the taste in music stems from his 'dropout gangster' phase. Your gonna have to ask him.

- Falco is actually quite tact at lifting people up. Especially his s/o. He's aware of what to say and what not to say to someone upset, and speaking how much he knows you by that point, he knows how to avoid triggering you. If upset, Falco will commonly wrap his feathers around you as a form of comfort.  Depending on how bad your freaking for whatever reason, he'll also take to slowly moving side to side to calm his s/o down as well- and you may hear him make some odd series of chirps. Odd, but quite soothing. He will try his best to be quiet otherwise, but will give assurance as needed- and even if it does fluster him a bit the first time, he adapts pretty quickly.

- Overall, despite his quirks and quick temper he is a reliable person, although he can sometimes get a bit carried away, or come off as just plain mean. He tries his best to help when he can, but needs to work on his problems a bit. Falco is not insensitive or truly egotistical- but simply very competitive and just a bit complicated to handle. He knows how to handle a situation, and if you can break down his walls, you'll find out that there's actually quite a bit you don't know about this flamboyant bird.


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