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Chapter 22 - The Twenty-fifth

I wake up in the plush white sheets, a sun is not in the sky but something is shaking my feet. Then it hits me, it's Christmas.

I spring up and corner myself against the wall only to look down and see Pho sadly looking at me. She thinks she did something wrong, but I'm still getting he hold of the whole not-with-my-dad thing.

Yesterday was my first day here, I spent most of the one with El trying to figure out where everything is, and the other quarter trying to sleep. I probably only fell asleep about an hour ago.

I smile at Pho and shake my head, I won't be beat today. I don't need my crutches anymore, so I barely pick up the four year old Pho in my arms. Her weight is barely forty pounds but I'm weak.

"Let's go." I say and she giggles and points in the direction of the door. When is step Into the hall the house is dark, lights around the staircase being the only light that I can see.

I take a few steps so I'm in front of River's door, his room being right next to mine, Pho jumps up and down in my arms and I slowly push open his door.

The room I haven't seen before, it's bamboo floors and white sheets are similar to my room, but his has all white decorations, a couch and a tv in his room that he barely uses.

He lies in his bed with his chest rising up and down slowly, his curly hair flowing evenly over his forehead. Pho pushes me into the room.

The floors don't creak as we walk in and slowly make our way to his bed, I set Pho down on the ground and smile. "How about we jump on top of him?" I whisper to Pho, and she smirks and nods enthusiastically.

"3..2... 1," I say and I jump onto River's bed and flop on top of his hard chest smiling at him as he peaks his eyes open. He smirks and looks into the dark room, his eyes finding Pho.

"I would say something about you being in my bed, but there is a child present." He says and I hug him, "It's Christmas!" I yell and he smile and chuckles, his chest rumbling under me as I get up.

Pho smiles and kisses River on the cheek, which he does to her on the forehead and he gets up groggily, rubbing his eyes. "I will only get up this early on Christmas for you devils." He says as he walks towards his door.

"But the mornings are the best part of the day!" I argue and he shakes his head, "I mean it sure is the best time to sleep, Love." He says and I shake my head as we walk down the stairs.

The pain with my wound has slowly subsided, leaving only a sting when I walk. Pho rushes in front of me which I laugh to, her eyes as bright and shining as River's.

El is downstairs, the amazing smell of waffles and pine from the tree makes my pace fasten as I want to help with the cooking. Pho gets to the tree first, shaking presents and the one I barbarically wrapped for River.

El smiles at me and waves me over to the kitchen and River chuckles and goes to help Pho cool down her excitement.

El has beautiful dark hair with tanned skin, her eyes are a hazel and she looks barely over twenty beside her age of sixty.

"I got the pumpkin bread this time," she jokes as I help her set the table. "Will you taste this, hun? I feel like it's missing something." She states and I nod and take a small taste of the whipped cream she made for the waffles.

I nod and and smile, "It's delicious but if you add about two fresh vanilla thingys and a teaspoon and a... fourth? of almond extract then it will be even better." She smiles and nods greatly as she turns and grabs the ingredients.

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