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Chapter 24 - The Chance Pt. 2

People take chances a lot, the risk reward system is good for wondering whether you should take a chance or not. But really, most rewards are bigger than the risks.

We are just to small to take them.

"You're scared of thunder, huh?" Kingston asks, his bare chest under my hands as I bite my lip. His hair is fluffy and I bring my hand up to it, running my fingers through it as I smile.

"Maybe." I answer and he chuckles, "Just know I got you, I don't know when I'll be here, but whenever I am you are allowed, when I'm not you can go into River's room." He says and I nod, slowly leaning in and kissing his neck.

"I don't want to go to River's room though. I wanna go to your room." I say and he smirks, "oh ho ho ho.." he starts in a chuckle as he grabs my hips and puts me over him so I'm straddling him.

He looks up at me with a raised eyebrow as he smirks, "You better stay with me, Baby." He says with a wink and I take a sharp breath in.

Fuck you're hot

"I know I am..." Kingston says and I go bright red, feeling the heat on my cheeks. "Fuck..." I mumble and he chuckles as I lean in. I said that out loud. His lips on my neck... but just grazing it.. not kissing me.

"Do it, King." I mumble and he chuckles in my ear, "Wouldn't you love that, Baby." He whispers and I swallow while I run my fingers through his thick, fluffy hair.

He grabs onto my hips as he slowly kisses my neck, grinding my hips into him as I shudder. I moan a little and he grabs a hand and covers my mouth.

He leans in so that our noses touch, "Thats my cue to stop." He says with a rewarded smirk as I furrow my eyebrows and pout my lips. "Ugh!" I say as I flop by his side, and Kingston turns on his side to me, putting one arm under my head and a hand on my bare stomach.

"I know, I'm a tease." He says and I blush.

What the fuck did I just do.


It takes me a second to compose myself before I look over at Kingston, his head resting on my shoulder as he rubs my stomach.

I breathe in nervously, "Thank you, Kingston." I say, slowly settling down into his arms, running my nails lightly across his back soothingly.

"Why?" He asks and I shake my head, "I don't want you to feel bad, it's fine. If you really want to I'll tell you, I haven't told anybody and it'd be nice. I just don't want to force it on you." I say and he gives me a sad smile.

His eyes sparkle lightly form the moon shining on him and I nod.

"Go on." He says, slowly and clammy. It's in the same tone I love, the calm one laced with every good memory I've ever had.

But my story kinda ruins the moment.

Stop. Liking. Kingston. Is on repeat in my head as I take a breath in.

"My sisters dead, you know that. But, I've never told anybody why." I start, taking in a breath as I continue on with the long story.

"My sister was four years older than me, she had just graduated high school and was about to start her new life in college. Then that got taken away from her because of me."

He stares back it me, intrude and confusion shown in his eyes, but no pity, he knows I don't want pity. I ant happiness.

"You got this..." He says and I nod.

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