5: Morning Blossoms

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-He stared till his heart melted away-

Breathing in the morning air, Demir stared down at the lonely mystery walking in the huge gardens. His head tilted while his hands gripped around the main terrace's railings. His heart, he didn't know where it stood. Meeran...her memories and absence...kept on piercing through his hand. But now, as he stood on the terrace while breathing in the early morning's warmth, he didn't know what he was feeling. 

He hated the woman that he had been made to marry...snarling as she naively walked in the garden...yet his heart was conflicted with emotions that were forcing him to believe that there was nothing to hate there...just pure innocence and timidness. He was hating himself for being conflicted with his emotions; his burden-wife deserved the hate. In fact, on the day of his marriage, he had vowed to make her pay...make the gold-digger rue for trying to replace the glorious memories of his Meeran, but it just didn't feel heart-filling to make her eyes tear up with pain. He...he just didn't know what he was doing anymore. 

He missed Meeran. 

His heart was constantly crying for her. Their beats were missing those smiles that lit his world and those laughs that made him forget the pain, but all those memories were just gone. Beyond the stars, beyond the moon, she was like a luminous light that always brightened his day. 

Surviving without her felt so lonely...so painful. 

Tears beamed in his eyes again, but he was just tired of silently crying and making the world pay for his wounds. He wanted freedom from his society...freedom from his overbearing loved one who never spared an ear to his pain. It was all money for them...just like his new wife, even though, his heart knew that his wife was more like a victim than the oppressor which made it quite convenient to use her as a punching bag, make her pay for something she had no part in. 

"You alright, bro?" 

Snapping out of his reverie, Demir now slightly turned around as Behlul grasped his shoulder. 

"Yeah, just wanted to have my early morning coffee here," He spoke dejectedly, averting his gaze away from Maya and staring towards the black clouds. The rain was about to make its entry. 

"Your voice sounds cracky." Behlul stepped forward, coming to stand next to him and grab the railing. 

"It's just the morning air." Demir sobered up, keeping his emotions controlled and composed. All walls up, again. 

"Hmm...still thinking about Meeran?" Behlul spoke, staring at the faraway ocean and watching the waves crash. 

Demir felt his heart squeeze with a pang. "S-she is not someone whom I can just forget." His voice sounded empty and pained. But he just didn't want to talk about it. He had made a promise to Meeran that he would never let her go...never forget her soul...and he didn't want others to convince him to do so. 

"What about your new wife?" Behlul's gaze shifted towards the vulnerable soul who was walking cluelessly walking in the gardens. Demir's jaw clenched with irritation. He didn't like seeing his brother stare down at the garden...he didn't like his brother even showing a slight concern. These emotions...they had him scowling with disgust. He wouldn't betray Meeran...gone or alive...she would always own his loyalty and heart. 

"What about her?" He scowled, about to step away from the railing to subtly cause Behlul to do the same, but then, common sense and the past struck, again. Even feeling a single emotion, other than hate, for Maya would be betraying Meeran. He couldn't do that to his world...especially not for a charity case. 

"She doesn't seem malicious..." Behlul observed, eyeing his brother with concern. Demir scoffed.


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