39: The End

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-How can one not look back?-           

Waking up with the sun rays falling straight on my face, I rolled over and had my gaze search for Demir. He was no longer in my room. I quickly sat up straight with a weird weight resting on my heart...a huge frown appearing. Seeing him no longer around disappointed me....made me feel uneasy.

Pressing one warm hand against my forehead, I tried to reign in my emotions and breathed in. The discomfort just won't go away.  My chin was slightly throbbing, but the ache had gone now. Limping out of the bed, I began dragging my feet outside my room...towards the living room of the suite. I had to talk to Demir. Last night...our conversation had felt so incomplete and distant. I had to talk to him. I had to know what his apologies and realization meant. Him showing up when I needed him, being so vulnerable and pained last night...it just bought out so many emotions. 

Upon reaching the living room, my eyes fell upon the black box still resting on the table.  It was the gift Demir had given me. I never opened it...but now, I felt like I should. Dragging my injured foot towards it, I gently picked up the box. It still smelt of rose petals. 

Slowly uncovering its lid, I gasped at the sight of a beautiful necklace. It seemed extremely expensive and customized. However, it wasn't the rich look of this necklace that impressed me, it was the fact that this necklace was the exact replica of the necklace my grandmother had gifted me. My soul melted with tender emotions. 

He remembered. 

Instantly chewing on my thumbnail, a sudden sense of sorrow hit me hard. Both of us had made so many mistakes. We had really messed up something that could have been so heart-warming and wholesome. It was a loss...a devastating loss, indeed. 

A loud knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. Putting the necklace back in the box, I limped my way towards the door and opened it. Instantly, I was pulled into a tight hug. 

"I am so sorry, Maya. This all happened because of me." It was Asmara. Hugging me tightly, she started sobbing into my shoulder. Guilt clear in her tone. 

"No, don't say that." I patted her back. "It was a messed up situation last night. You don't need to apologise for that."

"But we should have made sure you stayed with us-" she countered. I know that she should have, but it was all about instincts. Now, with a fresh mind, I don't blame Zaheer and Asmara for running away. They couldn't do much in the situation, anyway. The man had a gun. 

"The man had a gun. There wasn't much you guys could do about that." I consoled, making her sniff and pull away from me. 

"You are right." She rubbed her tears away. "I am just so glad you are okay. Your husband won't even let me in your suite last night. He was literally snarling." She tried cracking a joke. I frowned, instead. 

"Mind if I go and talk to him?" I asked.

 She nodded. "Sure, just go and talk to him. Then, together, we will have breakfast in your suite. Zaheer and I are leaving tonight, so you still owe me a tour of your town."

"Yes, of course," I smiled.  

She stepped into my suite while I started searching for Demir.


The morning air felt so warm and sensational. It cocooned me in a warm embrace while I eagerly searched for Demir. He was nowhere to be found. It felt like I was chasing him...acting like a lost soul drifting to finally grasp on to fresh air. My eyes wandered...my heartbeat...it was strong and loud.  

Not being able to find him anywhere, with my twisted ankle aching with the pressure I was putting on it, I managed to drag myself towards the reception area. The reception desk lady immediately rushed towards me as she saw me struggling to make my way towards her. 

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