Thirty Eight

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Sorry for any mistakes didn't get a chance to look over it. Enjoy

The surgery went well. The doctor said that I would be good to go in about three days. Tia said she was going to go home and get cleaned up and rest a bit. It took alot of convincing her on my part but it worked.

I was in the room going through emails and things. What still gotta pay the bills. When Adam walked in the room. He had some files with him and I knew he was here on business.

"Alex I'm sorry to do this but we gotta go over the case."

"That's ok I understand. Let me just finish this up real quick." After I finished the email I gave him my attention.

"Ok so we have several people involved in this case. I will go through each person. First we have Maple Rivers whom you know as Jessica's mother. After shown the footage and evidence she confessed and 25 years to life. Chance of paroll after the 25 years. Then we have a Mr. White whom is dead. Next is Mark King whom after blood test confirm is your blood father plead not guilty and is awaiting trial where he will be facing life without the chance of paroll. Then we have a Tina King whom is your birth mother whom pled not guilty is awaiting trial and will face up to life without paroll. Then there is a Kerry King whom is Mark's other wife and your old social worker. She pled guilty and will do 20 years. Then we have Lisa Mcfinagain whom is my ex wife. She plead insane and is currently in a mental institution undergoing the test to prove it."

"Before you ask the only reason that Maple got that was because she is testifying against Mark and Tina."

"Well I guess that's about right then. When is the court date?"

"We don't k ow yet but will be letting you know as soon as we do."

He gave me a smile and put everything away once we were done talking.

"So how do you feel?"

"I'm doing good just ready to get out of here so I can eat some real food." I said laughing

"I feel you on that. So, are you ready to put a ring on her?"

"Wow straight to it huh. But I plan to yes. I want things with my life yo calm down a bit before I take that leap but I can definitely say with everything in me that she will be my wife one day."

"Just don't hurt her kid. No matter how old she gets that's my babygirl. And I will hurt you if you hurt her."

"Adam I would beat my damn self if I ever hurt her on purpose. I would give you the right to beat my ass as well. We might have arguments and that is were words might be exchanged but I would never lay a hand or finger on her."

"That what I like to here kid. You are perfect for her. I like you for her. I can tell your a very mature young adult. But trust and believe that I won't hesitate to cut your balls of and RIP off you dick and shove it in you mouth."

I know I have lost color because this man can be scary when he wants to. And he almost scared the shit out of me. Then Tia walks I and see us.

"Dad what have you did to my girlfriend? It looks as if she seen a ghost."

"Oh nothing hunny. Just talking a bout the case but everything is fine." I just nod my head not being able to speak.

"So I just talk to the doctor and she said your leg is healing well and since I know how to take care of it we can go home today."

"Oh hell yea. Please tell be you brought my clothes?" I say with a pout.

"Why yes I did. Can't have you out the looking like a bum now can we." She lends down a kisses me.

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