Chapter 26

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Time stands still as I stare at the person before me. Lara glances up timidly, catching the look on my face and ducking quickly to the side so that Frye stands between us. I fight against the colour red, trying to remain conscious of the many eyes and ears upon us. Distantly, I recall that Lara and I were similarly surrounded the last time we were face-to-face and a steely determination shudders through me. On that night I was a girl, broken and weak. Now, I am a chieftain.

"Lara. Brave of you to come." My voice is dangerous, shaking only a little. "Shame I haven't the time to catch up." Spying Jaron a few yards off and listening intently, I make to leave.

"Kay," Frye catches hold of my elbow. "It isn't what you think."

I look down his hand, anger giving way to hurt.

"I have to go." I shake him off, walking towards Jaron. The crowd parts as we pass and I keep my steps purposeful, the sand-coloured canopies and bonfires blurring as I stalk away from the stunned silence of a pair of traitors.

It isn't until we push our way through the folds of a tent that I blink myself back into awareness, out of habit remaining near the entrance until I've taken full stock of it's occupants. I am relieved to see that Jaron and I can find common ground in keeping our gathering small. Jaron has settled his hulking form into a seated position on one of the tent's many rugs while Luca and Cade prepare the tea. The heady aroma and familiar scene coax me forward and into the lantern light.

Cade materializes, smiling warmly and pressing a cup into my hands. "I take it you have not yet eaten?" The distinct rumble of my stomach is my answer and Cade gently steers me towards a low table. "Help yourself, I did not finish my supper."

I do as the old healer says, bringing my food and my tea to the floor. Jaron seems focused on his own drink as I sink down across from him, kindly waiting until I am seated before beginning his interrogation.

"I recognized that girl." He says, the deep rumble of his voice causing some tea to slosh onto my hand. "She was on that balcony with the Commander that night, was she not?"

I take a long, deliberate sip of my drink before answering. "Yes, she was."

"A true feat, Runner. Your chiefhood is deserved if you can make a follower of someone whose death you publicly ordered."

I bite back a retort, seething silently while we wait for the others to join us.

Luca shoots me a questioning look as he helps Cade to sit. I give a subtle shake of my head and carefully place my drink on the ground, leaning forward with all thoughts forgotten except ones of our imminent attack. Cade and Jaron listen intently while Luca and I relay our news, the warlord's face turning to thunder as we describe the Madam's machine and the storm it conjured.

"It matters not." Jaron says finally, flexing his massive hands. "Rain does not unmake her crimes. This changes nothing."

"It changes everything." I argue, the words bitter. "This is bigger than us now, Jaron. Much bigger."

"Kay is right." Cade nods.

Jaron dark gaze slides back and forth between us. "Outside these walls there are twenty thousand starving warriors who have been promised their vengeance. Rain or no rain, there is no stopping this war."

"I had no intention of stopping it." My voice is low. "I want that dome and it's contents under our control. I want her under our control."

"You wish to keep the enemy alive?"

Speaking through clenched teeth, "It isn't about what I want."

"We both know that is not true."

The Rain (Part III of the Runner Series)Where stories live. Discover now