Chapter 32

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Light and dark flash by me. I tumble head over heels, catching glimpses of the bell tower until I can see nothing else. Out of habit or desperation I extend my arms, my descent transforming into flight as I catch hold of my counterbalance.

Luca swings me out past the clock's face and tosses me into the air toward one of it's needles. I seize onto the cool metal and hug myself to it, the thud of my frantically-beating heart threatening to launch me from the tower. Breathing heavily into the clock's minute hand I peer upwards, watching as the airship vanishes through a hole cut into the dome's roof and takes off for gods' know where. I continue staring at the empty patchwork of sky long after the ship has disappeared, only managing to pry myself loose after slipping on my now-tilted perch. Shaking, I concentrate on climbing down and following Luca back inside.

He offers me a hand and I take it without thinking, yanking myself free the instant I step foot back in the bell tower. Unable to bear the hurt question in his eyes I turn away, my legs suddenly giving out.

Luca knows enough to remain a few steps away and silent while I fall to the floor and heave great, wracking sobs. It is as though my heart has once more been wrenched from my chest, leaving behind a wound as fresh and raw as the day it was first inflicted. Choking on the barrage of emotions I squeeze my eyes shut tight and wait for the attack to pass.

But it doesn't.

It digs in further, the pain as piercing as a sharpened hook. Hands clutched to my chest I curse her again and again, berating myself for my weakness. All that time spent watching and waiting, all that careful planning dashed in an instant. I cannot believe that I came so close—so close—only to trip on the finish line. I failed myself but more than that, I failed Will.


I shiver from the sensation of cold grey eyes boring into me. Tortured by the memory of Will throwing me from the ship, I gasp while the hook twists deeper and deeper with each fresh vision. Never could I have imagined seeing such callous indifference from the man I once loved with the whole of my being. The madness roars forth, uncontrollable now that I've let both him and the Madam slip through my fingers.

This time, I don't fight it.

Red, and then I am filled with a terrifying, thunderous fury. Helpless to stop it even if I cared to try I let the cloud wrap itself around me and surrender over to the great rush of power. The ache inside begins to ease as my nerves turn gradually back to steel. It is only when the storm has quieted to a dim hum and I feel next to nothing that I begin to slowly untangle myself, opening my eyes and staring blankly into the distance.

"Kay," Luca's whisper drifts through the fog.

Blinking, I rise shakily to my feet. The tower's stale air lies heavy against my skin as I move to the open clock face and look out over the rivers of flickering torchlight. Small fires smoulder at the edges of the dome, remnants of the bombs we placed outside it's walls. The holes created by the explosions are large enough for both an army and the blistering rays of a sunrise to pass through. Babel has turned strangely quiet; the darkened windows indicating that the Babelonians are bedding down to ride out the invasion. As I trace the crooked lines lit by the Wasters' torches I occasionally catch the distant sound of a Brute dying at the end of a spear. It is simple to cast aside the memories stirred by the sounds of war now that the cloud is firmly in control.

"Kay," Luca says my name again, louder.

I glance up. Luca steps free of the shadows, coming to join me at the window.

"What happened?" He asks. "I can help."

A heavy thud sounds through the fog but I ignore it's warning, letting the red speak for me. "No, you can't. Not this time."

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