EXTRA: Yuta's bravery

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3rd person POV

"Well," Yuta began. "It's very obvious a death note was the cause of my sister's sudden passing. Just before the attack, both my sister and I realized someone was following us. They kept at a descent distance from us though. I thought we were safe." The other young prodigies sat around some tea and listened to the next part of the story. "From what I could gather based on basic psychology of the killer, it could be someone who agrees with Kira and what he stood for. Probably a young woman."

Mellow abruptly interrupted, "okay kid. Slow down. What makes you think the murderer is a woman?"

"Think about it," Near started his take on it, "women hold grudges for a lot longer than men. In fact, a few minutes after being reunited with L after so many years, (y/n) beat him with pillows." There were very light chuckles from them. It was quickly covered by a seriousness.

L usually sat back and allowed his two students to come up with an answer themselves, but he wanted to help this time. "Yes, a woman is most likely our suspect, though it's reckless to assume. Young because they're ignorant. Attacking in the middle of the day on the street." He paused for a moment to brace for what he would say next. "This new Kira probably killed (y/n) the moment she realized what her name is. Rushing to find her target."

A lump appeared in Yuta's throat. It was almost suffocating. "...you think...?" He hung his head so no one could see his teary eyes. Yuta quickly pulled himself together and turned on a cold tone. "Let's just find this girl, and deal with her."

"Don't you know how this works, kid?" Mellow sat lazily in his seat and almost seemed like he was picking on the orphaned child. "We can't just do what we want. We are here to assist the police. In the end, they are the ones to handle the criminals."

Yuta was frustrated. He's not stupid. He knows what detectives do..., but why couldn't he seek revenge for his family? It seems fair to him.

"I-I know that, but this is my problem. I won't let any officers take my chance to kill Kira!"

There was a long moment of silence.

For the first time since her death, he showed just how hurt he was. How serious he was.

"Kill Kira? That won't work at all, Yuta." A strong voice carried itself throughout the room, causing everyone to turn towards it.

"Mr. Yagami, you actually came." L greeted the large man warmly.

Chief Yagami looked very different than usual. He was pale and wan. He was still very large in stature, but his frame had grown a bit weak and his suit didn't fit. However, he stood tall before the young detectives.

"Of course, L. I would never pass up the opportunity to help (y/n)'s family." Since the Kitamaras and Yagamis were good friends, Yuta became accustom to seeing Chief Yagami in such a frail state, but, this was the first time the boy was feeling any sort of resentment toward the man.

"Like I said Yuta," Yagami retouched the topic that was almost forgotten, "you won't be killing Kira. It would only be destructive towards yourself. (Y/n) wouldn't be proud of you for that."

Again, Yuta felt his blood begin to boil. At the same time, tears rolled down his cheeks. "You don't know... what she'd be proud of! None of you understand us at all!"

Yuta escorted himself out of the room and slammed the door behind him. The moment the door clicked shut, he fell to his knees and cried. He wasn't concerned with how loud he was or how hard he hit his fists on the floor. He was furious. He was melancholic. It had been a whole day without his sister to care for him, and he was already falling apart.

Almost an hour went by. Yuta had worn himself out and collapsed on the wood floor, staring at a wall.

The door finally opened and in walked Chief Yagami. "How are you feeling now?" He was ignored at first, but Yuta eventually gave in and talked.

"I feel horrible. I don't want to live without (Nickname) here. She's all I had left of dad and mom. Light too." The child's tone was flat. Like he had no regard for his wellbeing anymore.

"I'm sorry she isn't here anymore, Yuta. It must be difficult for you." Yagami sat on the floor next to the boy and turned away in shame. "If... I were a better parent to my son, maybe he wouldn't have killed people and she wouldn't be gone. They would both be here... your father would be too."

The Chief's voice cracked. Yuta could tell he was being sincere. "No... Mr. Yagami. It's not your fault." He finally calmed down; they both did. Yuta was able to remember something (y/n) told him a couple years after Light's death.

Flashback! 3 years before

(Y/n) had finished making her and Yuta some lunch. It was something simple but it had some significance to them. It was the last meal they made with Light; sesame soba.

"Hey, (Nickname)? I was wondering if you still hate Light for what he tried to do to you?"

(Y/n) looked up with a wildly confused expression. "Hate? When did I hate him?" This sentence, of course, shocked Yuta. How could she not hate the person who tried to kill her? The person she loved no less!

"But sis-"

"Yes I was angry with him when I found out what he tried to do to me, but I thought about it. I understand why he chose to kill me: he was terrified of my information. He lost his ability to rationalize and he thought killing me would stop him from being caught. Though it probably would have made him seem more guilty if I just dropped dead after I spilled some beans *chuckles*."

"Please stop that (Nickname). I don't want to imagine you dead."

(Y/n) rubbed Yuta's head from across the table. "Sorry 'bout that! Anyway, I forgave him almost immediately. After I talked with L, my mind was clear and I was okay again! Honestly... I understand why Light's mental state deteriorated so quickly. He was suddenly able to get rid of everything he believed to be evil with a flick of his pen. The police were trying to catch him and make him accountable for his crime, but to him, he didn't commit the crimes they spoke of, Kira did. Imagine being able to pass judgment along! Growing up with parents in law enforcement makes you have a one-sided view of criminals. Haha, we should know!" (Y/n) tensed up a bit. "I just wish I could have known or was able to help him see how he was hurting the world. I wasn't a good enough girlfriend or detective to help save him... but that's not my fault! It's his own damn fault but it's also not. Life isn't as black and white as you think it is Yuta. I thought you already knew that, boy."

Embarrassed by her lighthearted joking, Yuta shot back an immature, "Yeah I know that already!"

(Y/n) laughed hard. "You crack me up kiddo!" When she regained her calm nature she said, "moral of the story: don't hate people and don't place unnecessary blame. Simple as that, Yuta!"

End flashback!

"Ah I see," Chief Yagami stood up and made his way to the door. "I'm glad she didn't harbor any hate for Light. ...I'll leave you alone for awhile, but think about joining us soon."

"Yeah sure." Yuta stared at the wall a bit longer. Having thought of his sister again, he knew what he had to do. He wanted nothing more than to see (y/n)'s murderer dead, but he knows that wouldn't have been what his sister wanted for him.

'Whatever it takes... I'll find the person who took you away (Nickname) and I'll make them pay... I promise I won't become Light though. I want to be.. just like you, sis.'

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