EXTRA: Yuta's choice

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Everyday the police and detectives spent trying to solve the reopened Kira case, more people died. Unlike Light, this new mass murderer was lenient with their rules of justice. A man who stole bread from a bakery and a serial killer were dead within seconds of each other. Both people were put on the news on the same night so it's possible they were targeted because of the broadcasting of their crimes.

Every time the task force heard more about these strange killings, they became more upset, Yuta more than anyone. Kira #2 was imitating Light. To the Kitamara boy, this was unacceptable. On the day that Light decided to kill (y/n) but ended up dying himself, Yuta lost his best friend. Light, (y/n), and Yuta spent a lot of time together and they became a small family unit. If Yuta was getting picked on at school, Light extinguished the problem. Had it been left to (y/n) to handle, she would have killed the other students for picking on her kid brother.

Kira #2's existence made the boy sick and it was a completely disrespectful image put on Light. Without hesitation, every time the new Kira did wrong, Light's name and face were dragged through the mud too.

Yuta understood what Light did was absolutely twisted and unjustified, but he understands why Light did it.

As for the investigation on this new Kira, the task force were closing in on them quickly. This person was very sloppy and at a complete disadvantage when up against L and his students. If given the chance, Yuta could have found this uncoordinated Kira by himself.


"Misa Amane," L held up a picture of the young lady. "She's our Kira imitator. Based on all of the forensic evidence we've amassed over the last few months."

A name. Yuta could finally confirm the name of the person who killed his sister that tragic day. If he wanted to, he could look her up and find out what she actually looks like, but he decided against it.

"So.. when will we take her into custody?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Yu." Near had been watching his friend very closely. He noticed that every time the task force found more evidence to lead to Kira, the more numb Yuta seemed to get. Just by looking at the boy, Near could see the gears in his head turning. "We don't just rush in like the police can. We don't need to get involved until she is in an interrogation room."

"Yeah.. I got it.." at this point in time, Near was the only person fit to calm Yuta down. He was always straight to the point and careful with word choice. It also helps that the two are close in age.

Mellow cleared his voice and answered Yuta's previous question. "The police are planning to arrest Misa Amane tonight. It'll be tricky, but they are going to try to take her by surprise since it seems as though she only needs to see someone to kill."

"Yes. By nightfall we'll be able to get all of the answers we need." L seemed to be on edge as well. A bit distant and not as playful.

"We will do our best. I'm sure our station's officers can capture her." Chief Yagami bowed his head to the young detectives and exited the meeting.

Only Mr. Yagami was allowed to be apart of the meetings. L felt that if too many detectives were in the room, one might say something offensive and upset the last Kitamara.


'An hour left. One more hour until I get my answers... then that girl can go.'

L agreed to let Yuta speak with Misa. He wouldn't usually allow this and it goes against several laws, but he felt he owed the kid this much.

After a lengthy interview and confession, Misa was passed to Yuta to deal with. An officer stood in the room to make sure both parties would be safe.

"Hey, I recognize you." Misa croaked. Her throat was dry from all her talking in the interrogation. "You were with that girl. ...I'm... sorry about your sister by the w-"

Yuta slammed his hands to the desk. "SHUT UP!" Even though he was finally meeting eyes with his sister's murderer, and even though he was terrified of the woman and situation he was in, he didn't cry or show weakness. "You killed her... why?"

Realizing how serious the kid was, Misa stopped the small talk and answered him. "Kira... He avenged my parents murder by passing righteous judgement. To me, Kira is a leader, a god almost. When I found out that he was killed, I became overtaken with anger and decided to pass judgment to your sister, who received credit for apprehending him. With Kira's power I had been blessed with and the knowledge of his killer, I avenged Kira... and took her away from you." The boy's hands turned to fists. "I saw how you reacted afterwards and I felt bad but Kira was a-"

Yuta grabbed Misa's collar and pulled her down to his size. "YOU DIDN'T KNOW LIGHT AND YOU DIDN'T KNOW (NICKNAME)! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DO!"

"Sir, please release miss Amane." Yuta hesitated but ultimately didn't feel like letting go yet. "If you don't, I'll have to cut this interview short."

With this new threat, Yuta let go of Misa. He wanted to do anything to make her feel pain but he couldn't do anything to her. Under the police' watch, she was untouchable.

"My family was destroyed by Kira." Yuta began, refusing to meet Misa directly in the eye. "My dad was first to be taken, then it was Light. He was killed by his own devices. Finally, my dear sister was taken too. I'm alone now and what you choose to say to me is sorry and give me a pathetic backstory. *tch* Please, save me the tears."

'That- ...that's not what I wanted to hear...'

"Don't act like you did something noble by killing a hero."

'If she had just- been cold I could have...'

"Hearing such a limp excuse for a terrible crime is worthless to me. I'm going home. Officer Brody, please escort me out."

'If she was how I thought she'd be... I would have killed her. I had every intention to, but...' Yuta tapped the small handgun he managed to conceal in his pant leg after he was left alone in the break room. 'If she weren't so human, I would have done it. Am I really so weak?'

Even though he didn't accomplish what he hoped to, he felt at peace with his actions. Maybe this strange relief he felt was the weight he carried for the last few months being lifted off of him.

'Are you at least enjoying yourself, (Nickname)? That's good. Because, soon, I'll see you again.'

Open Your Eyes// Death Note: Light X ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu