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My wife Samantha hid in our daughter, lily's room, as I wrestled with the crook in my apartment, I hit him hard in the face, as he blacked out his gun went off, a bullet hit me in the chest. Everything went black for a minute, then bright light filled my vision,
"huh what, where am I?" I said aloud
a voice called from the light's origin. Somehow the voice was familiar, like I've always known, a warm feeling surrounded me,

"Son, your body has died, you are in heaven!" I wanted so to go into the light, but my family, were they, all right? I couldn't leave them if they needed me, as if he heard my thoughts the voice came booming,

"It's been twenty-three years, since you left, I'll allow you to go back to your old apartment, you'll have to get  help from the new residents Jacob and savannah, if you want to find your wife"

In a flash of light, I was in our old place, standing in the corner of the living room, I could see Jacob and savannah watching the last movie I ever went out to see with my wife, "Lady in white"

I stood watching for a minute, until savannah saw me, and turned to her husband, I made myself invisible as they turned to look, they couldn't see me yet-

"Jake! There's somebody over there" I say pointing to a dark corner of the living room, my husband and I both look over there seeing nothing he looked at me like I grew another head,

"Savannah, maybe your imagination playing tricks on you" He was right, but I swear, someone was in that corner,

"you're right... I guess" I said,

he turned his attention back to the movie, forty- five minutes later the movie ended, and we went to bed, I convinced my mind I didn't see anything, but from somewhere deep inside my being, I knew what I saw. My body fell asleep quickly, but my mind was wide awake, painting a vivid picture, a man and woman together in my house, looking into a baby's crib, they looked worn out. The baby was asleep, so they both left the room closing the door, they plopped down onto the couch, then I heard glass breaking, the man on the couch jumped up, turning to the woman he said,

"get the phone and lock yourself in Lily's room"

he ran upstairs, I heard a loud commotion, then the two men fell down the steps, the first guy punched the masked criminal in the face, he passed out, but not before I heard a loud bang, the first man went limp and rolled off the masked robber. The woman ran screaming out of the baby's room and fell to her knees at her husbands' body, she grabbed his hand placing his palm gently on his face. I woke up crying, and panting, I sat up carefully, I didn't want to wake my husband up, he had enough sleep problems, I just laid back down, closer to Jake, I buried my face into his back, and tried to fall back asleep, I finally did three hours later.

My alarm clock sounded, at six a.m. I didn't want to get up, but I had to get started, my dead line was in three days, if I didn't make it my editor would have my head. My husband rolled over to me, smiled, and

"Good morning, beautiful" making me smile, like he does every morning.

"Good morning honey, how did you sleep" I said as I watched him get up and stretch,

"ok, I had the weirdest dream though" I looked at him, in the back of my mind I thought of my dream, oh my god what if he had the same dream? But I pushed the thought away, telling myself, everyone has dreams, just because we had a weird dream last night doesn't mean anything, so I said,

"I had a weird dream too, but first what was your dream about" he began

"Okay, so I was in our living room, but I could also see a guy, wearing a red flannel, blue jeans, and he had brown hair, just as tall as me, like six-foot, and I saw a short woman, wearing a t-shirt covered in paint, and blue jeans. They were standing over a crib, getting a baby to sleep. Then they walked into the living room, and sat down but then there was a gun shot, it woke me up out of my sleep I honestly thought it was real, I got up to look around, I got to the top of the stairs, when I looked down I swear to god I saw someone laying on the floor down there, but when I got down there, no one"

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