The Introductory Ball Gossip

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     Rachael was grateful for me helping her out, but she still knew she'd have to go back to Carole's side as we sat crouched down in a bush. Now all those random sentences about Carole's 'clumsy maid' made sense. Rachael wasn't clumsy. The protagonist was literally abusing her under all of the readers noses. I kept telling people Team Ophelia was the way to go! No one listens to context clues, for god's sake. Fuck that series, fuck the author, and fuck the protagonist. Car Oil was the perfect accidental name for her. Her heart was as dark as it (even if car oil is technically amber colored and cars don't exist in this place yet).

     "I'm so sorry for dragging you into my mess..." Rachael's voice was trembling as she spoke, once again like she was on the verge of tears. I couldn't help but feel my chest squeeze. This poor girl...

     "It's fine."

     "You were just trying to do your job and my mistress messed everything up."

     "It's not like you could've done anything."

     "I could've taken the blunt of her anger."

     "That would be idiotic."

     Rachael went quiet for a short while before begininng to open her mouth when I shushed her. I could hear footsteps getting closer to us. They were heavier than a lady's, so possibly a personal butler or male student. Which reminds me, Carole's relationship with Floyd must be getting quite good if she decided to act so rashly. Or I provoked her a bit too much. I couldn't help it. If you're given a chance to strike at your enemy, you'd take it. Or maybe Carole was just feeling a bit confident as the day of the Introductory Ball grew near. What, did she think Ophie couldn't find another escort? Male students would literally wait in the hallways of Ophelia's advanced classes to catch a glimpse of her! What kind of attention had that broad gotten? It was always negative or none at all!

      Lost in my own thoughts, I almost failed to notice the footsteps had stopped right in front of our bush. Almost. I had noticed and had gone quiet as a mouse, waiting for the footsteps to pass. They didn't. It was silent for a long time.

"If I might be able to ask, why are there two maids in the bushes? I don't believe there is even a plant that grows humans, much less maids."

... Is that Floyd? I hope it's not. Please don't be the Crown Prince. If he saw his fiancè's maid crouching in the bushes, Ophelia would be shamed. Oh god oh god oh god.

"Your Majesty!"

Rachael noooooooooo. Why can't you let me hope? This is so cruel. I didn't want to meet Floyd like this. I didn't even really want to meet Floyd in the first place, but Rachael was already standing up and bowing so I had no choice but to do the same.

Floyd was just as handsome as in the book and in real life as mentioned. Once again, I wasn't attracted to him as I wasn't attracted to most people. Still quite strange in my opinion. Here I was surrounded by lots of attractive people and I was in no way attracted. I think being around Ophelia for so long really did make me numb to appearances.

"Greetings to Your Majesty."

"Greetings to Your Majesty."

With my head lowered, I was unable to see Floyd's expression, but I could feel his eyes boring into my head like lasers. What the fuck do you want, murderer? You may have not done it yet, but I'll never forget or forgive! For Carole even! For a Prince, your standards are as low as Alexander's IQ! Pathetic, low standard, black-bellied, cheating, sorry excuse for a-

"You may rise. I don't believe I've seen you before, Miss?"

Oops. Got a little carried away with my mental monologue, but I meant every word of it. Anyway, the pathetic prince was probably referring to me. Hehe. Pathetic Prince. I could be a prison comedian if I ever said any of this out loud.

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