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Ophie. It was a nickname lovingly given to me by my favorite person, one that only she has permission to use. That nickname has always been one of my greatest weaknesses, especially when it falls out of her mouth. When she's teasing me, coaxing me, even scolding me, that name has always brought me immeasurable amounts of joy. I love that person more than life itself, probably more than I know.

But it's also this love that I hold for this person that scares me.

It scares me because I know I'd do, and already have done, anything for her. Even terrible things that would make her hate me. Things that could make anyone hate me. It scares me because I get jealous of other people who can talk to her casually in public, unlike me who can only speak to her comfortably in the comfort of privacy due to our statuses.

It scares me because I can think of her in ways that aren't exactly proper or appropriate. Like the exemplary lady she believes me to be.

I'm scared because if I ever did any of those terrible things, I know she would give me that smile she gives no one else and still ever so softly call me 'Ophie'.

And I'm scared because I know if I try to push my love onto her she may run away. Although I know she loves me, she doesn't know that she loves me in any other way than a sibling. I know she would do anything that I ask within reason, if only I ask. Even if I didn't ask she would read my expression and know what I wanted.

This love scares me because I know she would do anything for me. Has already done many things for me. Has almost died for me. Has caused my heart to skip a beat in terror multiple times. I have had her blood on my body twice and I never want to see it outside of her body again. I'd much rather have every drop of my blood drained out of my veins than have even a drop of hers on me again. Such a feeling of dread, I never wish to have it course through me again.

Yet this love also brings me the most joy I've ever felt.

Her hands on my cheeks, her voice in my ears, her flute waking me up in the morning, her arms embracing me, and her lips on mine, they all bring me this explainable warmth within every part of my body. One that makes me feel as if I could die at anytime happily without a single regret. Though I would have a regret.

I wouldn't have officially made her mine.

Which was why I was having tea with this boy who I felt nothing towards, our kingdom's beloved Crown Prince Floyd von Andize. Someone who I had threatened multiple times without consequence, which I appreciated. I can't go see her everyday if I were imprisoned.

"Your Highness, I will cut to the chase as I despise beating around the bush." I stated, placing my tea cup down after taking a small sip. I had sent Ava away to go complete other chores so instead of the tea that I loved, it seemed like barely flavored water.

The servants of the royal household must be dropping in value.

"Of course. I am always ready to listen to the words of my fiancee."

"That is exactly what I would like to discuss. I would like to formally discuss annulling our betrothal."

The black-haired prince looked at me in shock for a moment before letting out the longest sigh of relief I've ever heard. That was not what I was expecting.

Floyd showed a relieved smile. "So you were thinking that as well? I didn't know how to start the conversation but I've really wanted to talk about it."

"You have?"

"Yes. You see, I've... I believe that I've fallen in love. And I can say with confidence that it's not you who I love."

I felt a giant weight lift off my shoulders as I finally relaxed in my chair. "Oh, thank God. I'm glad I brought it up first then. I've also fallen in love with someone."

"How wonderful. I'm glad we can at least find some common ground."

"Mhm. I truly did not want to have to have an assassination occur."

"So you were ready to kill me, huh?"

Surprisingly, this is the most relaxed I've ever been able to be around Floyd. The best conversation we've actually ever had. Instead of a nuisance, he's starting to feel a bit more like...

A friend.

Then again, we did spend hours gushing about our secret loves, so of course we would bond. I did feel a bit bad for Floyd though. His beloved continuously runs away from him and calls him a stalker, pervert, among many other things.

My Ava would never have such a vulgar mouth, so that is quite relieving.

However, the real struggle begins from here. Convincing our respective parents will be quite difficult, as this betrothal has been in place ever since we were both born. I am ready to fight for this feeling deep within my heart, to make compromises, and to lose my dignity even.

For Ava, I am completely ready to fall into hell and have tea with the Devil if only she would let me.

"Ophie, what are you writing?" Her sweet voice floated over to me from where she was preparing my bed for sleep, as I wasn't able to convince her to sleep with me today.

I was sat at my desk, writing the crucial letter that would begin the process. The letter to my dear mother and father that would completely change my destiny.

"Just my letter home for the week. You know how mother wants constant updates."

"That's Madam Ysabelle for you. She always wants to check in, especially after that incident. I was worried she may begin asking for daily letters." Ava giggled, bringing a light blush to my face.

"That's a bit much, even for mother."

"That's what you think. It's just not the truth." 

There she went again, teasing me because she wished to, that familiar tone in her voice that she only used to be mischievous. It always brought a grin to my face, even if her teasing went a bit far. I just couldn't get mad at her.

"Ophie, I've finished making the bed. Please do get some rest soon. I don't want you staying up all night like Merlin."

Other people, however, were a different story. Merlin was a little thorn in my side that had begun to grow into a fully thorny weed. I was a bit jealous of him, being able to express his affection towards Ava without restrictions. Not that I'd ever admit it.

"Yes, Ava. I'll head to sleep right after this sentence."

"Alright. If I come for you in the morning and you're baggy eyed I won't let you off!"

"I know."

"... Goodnight, Ophie."

"Goodnight, Ava."

With that, the door to my room closed as a new door was drawn with the scribbling of my pen.

[ You thought this would be a regular chapter, but it was an Ophelia chapter instead! There will be an influx of different P.O.V. chapters because I want more depth. It's also because I've been working on a very special AU chapter which will be out on Friday (Guess which one it'll be!) Anyway, thanks for reading and supporting VRP and remember to leave those lovely comments of yours that I love so much! Love you guys! ]

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