Part 3

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When lunch was finished, Laura led the team out of the cafeteria, and into a building labelled "Avengers Museum". Peter had never been into that part of the compound, usually remaining in the labs and residential area.

Laura pushed opened the double doors, revealing a vast, open space, filled with exhibits dedicated to each avenger. The afternoon sun shone through the large skylights, casting light onto the floor. Peter looked around the museum, and felt his stomach flutter when he saw a Spider-man exhibit.

"Alright, kids, this is the last part of our tour," Laura said, once the whole team walked in. "Feel free to roam around the museum, and meet back here at two!"

Each student began to head towards their favorite Avenger's exhibit, Flash immediately going to Spider-man's, and MJ heading to Black Widow's. Ned and Peter followed Flash, standing behind him as they viewed the assortment of suits and web shooters.

Peter smiled, whoever designed the exhibit had really outdone themselves; it was complete with fun facts, and model of every web shooter and suit he'd ever used. "This is so sick" he said to Ned.

"I know, man. This is amazing," Ned agreed.

Flash glared at the two. "What do you care, Penis Parker?"

"Well, you know, he's an all around awesome dude." Peter said. "What's it to you?"

"He looks out for the little guys, unlike the Avengers. Doesn't need a catastrophic event to be called. Anyways, I've actually met him. He even asked for my help" Flash said proudly.

"You mean he crashed your car," Peter countered.

"At least I'm not Tony Stark's charity case," he hissed.

"Oh, hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter said, waving at something behind Flash.

Paling, Flash turned around, only to see that no one was there.

"You little-"

"Go away, Eugene," MJ said, walking over to Peter and Ned. Flash shot the trio one last dirty look before heading towards another display. "Gosh, could your ego get any bigger, looking at an exhibit of yourself," MJ asked, turning to Peter and Ned.

Peter blushed, unsure how to respond.

"Come on dorks, let's go," MJ said, walking away from Spider-man's exhibit.

The trio checked out Scarlet Witch's exhibit at MJ's request before viewing Captain America and Iron Man's.

Laura called the decathlon team, "It's time to go! Everyone proceed to the entrance!"

Peter shuffled after Ned and MJ as they left the museum, and headed towards the parking lot where a school bus awaited them.

Mr. Harrington checked off student's name as they entered the bus, then looked at Peter. "You hopping on, Peter?"

"Uh, no. I'm hanging out here this weekend. Got sparring practice with Black Widow among other things" he answered.

"Okay. Well, bye" Mr. Harrington said, waving at Peter as he hopped onto the bus.

As the bus pulled out of the parking lot, Peter waved at the decathlon team, then turned back into the building where Nat was waiting for him.

Sorry for the short chapter, but school's starting, so I won't be able to publish for a bit!

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