Part 4

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"Again," Nat said, allowing Peter to help her up from the mat.

He nodded, panting. His side pounded lightly, but he ignored the pain, and faced Nat.

"Remember, the eyes and nose are the most sensitive part of the face. Hit there, hard."

Peter nodded again, and assumed a fighting stance, raising his fists to his face.


Peter jabbed twice, his first fist sent at her right eye, the other at her nose. She expertly doged, then threw a fist at his stomach. Feeling his head begin to tingle, Peter slid to the left and hit the right side of Nat's face. He quickly sent another jab into her side. Nat stumbled backwards, slightly dazed. Taking advantage of her unbalance, Peter kicked out, sweeping her legs out from beneath her. Her body slammed onto the ground, Peter on top of her immediately.

Natasha tapped twice, and smiled at Peter as he helped her up. "Well done, ребенок паук. That's four times you beat me."

"Thanks, мама паук," he mumbled, smiling sheepishly, while the wound in his abdomen ached.

The right side of Nat's face was turning purple, and the rest of her face was covered in other bruises from earlier, but she continued to smile proudly at him. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up before Tony accuses me of hogging you all to myself."

"Yeah, wouldn't want that," Peter said, grinning at her.

The two went back upstairs into the kitchen, and Peter pulled out an open box of Pop-Tarts, tossing a pack to Nat.

"Thanks Peter," she said, tearing into the package, and stuffing her mouth.

"No problem, Nat,"

"Oh, come on!" Mr. Barton yelled from behind them, startling the two.

Peter and Natasha turned around to see him sitting on the beanbag in the corner, also eating a Pop-Tart.

"What the hell do you want, Clint?" Nat asked, obviously annoyed.

"You get to be called Nat, but I'm reduced to 'Mr. Barton'" Clint replied indignantly.

"Sorry, Mr. Barton," Peter said apologetically.

"Clint" he corrected. "It's just Clint."

"Okay, Mr. Clint," Peter smirked at Clint's enraged face.

"Great work, kid. Now go to the labs, Tony's probably wondering where you are," Nat said, high-fiving him as he walked out.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter said, pushing open the door to the empty lab. Seeing that Mr. Stark was absent, he sat at his bench and set to work on DJ Roomba. His abdomen still felt sore, but he was too lazy to go back to the medical wing, and continued merging the speaker with the vacuum.

Working in silence, Peter tried to adjust the roomba's battery so that it would be able to power the speaker, but he needed a solder to connect the speaker's wires. Rising from the bench, Peter began looking through the messy drawers and cabinets scattered around the lab.

After a few minutes, Peter was still unsuccessful, and moved to a drawer that was labelled in bold print 'Do Not Touch!!!' Ignoring the label, Peter tugged it open, and gasped. Inside the drawer was a red, blue and gold Spidey-suit, similar to one of Mr. Stark's Iron Man suits. It was equipped with new web shooters and retractable iron arms, which hung out at odd angles. Peter knew there were probably a lot more features in the suit that weren't obvious, and couldn't wait to try them out.

"Wow, Mr. Stark" Peter said breathlessly.


Peter jumped, and quickly closed the drawer, before turning to face Mr. Stark, who was looking at his phone.

"Uh, nothing!" he answered, a bit too quickly. "I was just looking for the, uh, the solder,"

"Oh, it's on my table. I was using it earlier when I was playing around with the computer," Mr. Stark said, pointing to the wire and iron rod that sat on his chaotic table.

"Thanks!" Peter said, rushing to grab them.

"Also, I got a surprise for you," Mr. Stark said, setting his phone down, and walking towards the drawer containing the suit. He opened the drawer, and pulled out the suit with a smile on his face. "Ta-da!"

"Oh, wow!" Peter said, trying to act surprised. "It's amazing!"

"You saw it didn't you?"

"Yeah, yeah I did." Peter said, dropping his act.

"Don't worry, Pete," Mr. Stark said, giving Peter a smile. Blushing, Peter nodded. "Anyways, I was thinking we could work on it together, unless you're too occupied with the Roomba thing," he gestured at the torn apart Roomba and bluetooth speaker.

"No, no. It's fine" Peter said, trying to clear away the mess of wires. "That'd be really cool. Thank you, Mr. Stark."

"No problem, kid," he said, throwing the suit onto his table. "Let's begin."

Hey folks, thank you soooooo much for reading! This was my first story, so it's super short (sorry about that!). But if any of you have requests for one shots and stories, or constructive criticism for this story, feel free to share! Your feedback really means a lot to me!!!

A/N: I wrote this when I was a wee child, so thank you to everyone who has read it and given me positive reviews. It really means a lot to see that people love this story, even if I published it well over two years ago now <3333 (Jan 2022)

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