Chapter Eleven: I Guess You Were Right

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February 9th

February 9th

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Erin L.

"I can't fit into anythinggggg"

I wailed making what seemed like my one hundredth attempt at buttoning my jeans over my bloated belly while I laid on my back trying to suck in the small gut forming below.

"Why now?"

After trying on several pairs of my jeans I gave up, none of my bottoms fit me and with the fatigue I was experiencing I didn't think I had another energy to come out of these jeans without falling asleep.

Erin: I can't fit none of my clothes how will I survive?

Sammie: have no fear aunty Sammie is here! Make yoga pants and stretchy dresses yo friend for the next seven and half months.

I had spent all morning going crazy over my pants not fitting I never stopped to think about my other options. I had only fifteen minutes to get ready to head to my first-round table reading with my cast mates and John.

I picked up a plain black dress sliding out of the jeans tossing them into the pile of other jeans I had tried on and slipping into the dress comfortably my belly felt like if someone got to close to me and bumped me I would deflate or pop like a balloon.

Erin: You are a life saver, thank you.

I put on a pair of slides on and grabbed my purse and keys, I knew with the way Los Angeles freeway traffic was set up in the morning I would be late to getting to my destination.

Typically my morning consisted of mango dragon fruit with coconut milk from Starbucks and now I had no time to stop and purchase it. My morning was going horribly already.

Was this how pregnancy would be for me, throwing me off my usual routine because of bloating and oversleeping?


I yelled inside of my car at the person in front of me driving Miss Daisy during morning rush, there was no way I would be on time, I pulled my phone out texting John.

Erin: John I had a rough morning already and I will be running late. I'm sorry

John: That was to be expected, that is why I lied and told you an earlier time than the actual start time, you have an hour and a half to get here. Remember I do have kids so I know a little something about pregnancy take your time and just get here safe Erin.

I slowed my speed in the car feeling a weight being lifted that I was actually going to be early and I would have more than enough time to stop at Starbucks.

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