Shove your way to him

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Kokichi didn't pay any mind to his classes as he waited for lunch time. Bored, Kokichi played with Shuichi's hat on his desk while the teacher talked. He day dreamed about how it would be eating lunch with him.

"Kokichi," The teacher yelled, bringing him back to reality. "Where is X located?"

"Up your ass," Kokichi giggles with a finger to his lips. He gets a few chuckles from his peers which only encourages him.

"Answer the question Mr. Oma or it's lunch detention for you," The teacher sighs, used to Kokichi's immature behavior.

"X is located right there! Duh!" Kokichi answers, pointing exaggeratedly at the board.

"Very good," He says, writing his answer on the board. Kokichi looks to the clock.

Yess! Only five minutes!

The teacher starts rambling about some stupid homework assignment but Kokichi ignores him. The bell rings as he stuffs Shuichi's hat into his backpack and dashes out the classroom. He ignores protests from his teacher and classmates and heads to the cafeteria. He bounces and skips down the hall, catching multiple people's attention.

Usually, lunch was Kokichi's least favorite part of the day since no one really wanted to sit with him. He didn't really care much though. He would normally just end up in a bathroom stall or ditching. But today was different! He had Shuichi to sit with today. They would talk and laugh and...

Kokichi stops in his tracks.

Shuichi was sitting on the far end of the cafeteria but he wasn't alone. He was with Rantaro.

Kokichi's heart drops. He knew this feeling. Jealousy. Of course he'd felt jealousy before but not quite like this. It felt like Kokichi was being crushed by a hydraulic press, shattering his skull into a million pieces until he didn't know which way was up or down. But really, what was he expecting?

"Heeyy dog shi-"

"WAAAAH!" Kokichi jumps back in surprise at the sudden voice in his ear. He whips his head around to see Mui Iruma, the ultimate inventor. "Oh, hey Miu,"

Kokichi guesses that he let his guard down and showed his disappointment in his voice because Miu punches him hard in the arm.

"Oowww! What the hell you cum dumpster?!" Kokichi yelps, grabbing his arm.

"What's wrong you little shit?! You look like you just finished too fast for your girl and she left you for another man!" The inventor laughs, hands on her hips. Kokichi rolls his eyes at her idiotic comment. Not now Miu!

"Nothings wrong you pig bitch! Now shoo and tinker with your robot boyfriend," The supreme leader sings, forcing cheerfulness in his voice.

"P-pig b-b-bitch!?" Miu trembles. "I- I was just m-making a joke!" Miu pulls herself together and continues talking, oblivious to Kokichi's signals to go away.

"I can see the look of jealousy and disappointment from a mile away! I see it all the time on the boys I reject! You just gotta keep trying though! I always like it when a guy shoves his way to me!" Miu cheers.

"I'm not jealous! I'm just plotting a way to set your hair on fire!" Kokichi lies. Miu squeals at the threat and finally scurries off, leaving Kokichi to stare.

Kokichi thought while staring. If he walked away right now, maybe this squeezing in his heart would go away. Maybe he wouldn't have to be worried about the detective leaving him. Maybe he would become just another person.

Maybe Kokichi would forget these feelings forming inside him.

But then he thought about what Miu said,

"You just gotta keep trying though! I always like it when a guy shoves his way to me!"

Kokichi shakes his head. "Huh... who knew that dumb skank could give good advice," Kokichi says to himself.

He then takes in breath a deep breath, closes his eyes, and takes a step forward. With each step he takes toward Shuichi, his mind is swarmed with more worries, however, he had a new found confidence. Kokichi finally reaches the table.

Kokichi walks up to Shuichi and Rantaro and quietly sits down next to the detective. Shuichi looks away from his conversation he was having with Rantaro.

"There you are Kokichi! I saw you standing over there. I didn't know if you were coming," Shuichi's voice says sweetly.

"Well, here I am," Kokichi says matter a factly. Shuichi smiles a cute, closed mouth smile.

"I'm glad you did," He says in a caring tone. The detective looks at the supreme leader with soft, tender eyes that calm Kokichi's heart, until the pinching in his heart was no longer pinching. Instead, it was a loving hug, almost like Shuichi was hugging it himself. Kokichi can feel a soft pink brushing over his cheeks but he didn't mind.

He didn't mind it at all.

Kokichi smiles a teasing smirk. "Awww! Shumai! You're so sweet I might get a cavity!" Kokichi raps his arms around Shuichi's arm and pulls him close. Kokichi sees Shuichi's face go red.

"K-Kokichi.." Shuichi mutters, avoiding eye contact. Aww, how innocent!

"Well aren't you two close," a calm voice says, ruining the moment. Kokichi looks up with a glare to see an ice cold grin.

"Hey Rantaro,"

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